Voices from the Field


Busy Good Times and a Good God

by: Ian Smith

It has been wonderful to be working with the Hungarian Baptist Churches in the past few months. Ian has been very involved in preaching ministries in a variety of communities.

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God’s Sufficiency through Dry Season

by: Walter & Florence Grob

As in North America where winter’s cold and shorter daylight hours can be discouraging and depressing, the same can be said for dry season’s lack of moisture, poor air quality, and dust EVERYWHERE.

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Not Easy, but Worth It

by: Kristi TenClay

Sometimes I still find it difficult to accept that anxiety has become a companion of mine and a reality that must be acknowledged at times.

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Happy Harmattan!

by: Rick & Debbie Bardin

This February finds us here in Cameroon. I don’t think we’ve been here for the whole month of February for probably 9–10 years.

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The Work of God

by: Shan Reed

God’s work in me personally and in the world around us can often be slow, much slower than we would like it to be. The more days I spend walking this earth with Jesus, the more I have learned that I often walk too fast to notice God at work.

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by: Dennis & Nancy Palmer

Send-off (noun) – an occasion to show appreciation and give good wishes to someone setting off on a new career or journey. Doesn’t a send-off sound a lot nicer and more fun than a retirement or good-bye party?

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Journey Continues

by: Nick & Iris Hung

We have returned to the field safely and completed all quarantine requirements successfully. We celebrated Chr*stmas with friends and brothers and sisters of the fellowship.

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The Joy of Hospitality

by: Yuri Nakano

This past Christmas season, I was able to experience the joy of hospitality. A friend I hadn’t seen in 20 years unexpectedly came from overseas to visit.

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In with the New

by: Jeff & Sonya Kilmartin

When we wrote our last newsletter, we were anxiously waiting to confirm some meetings with Walter Grob and the new accountant for our LRPG in Nigeria.

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by: Paul and Melissa Ewing

Transition. Change. Unknown. Every time we return home for home assignment, it is a time of transition, a time of the unknown.

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