Voices from the Field


Shan in Japan: November 2021

by: Shan Reed

I arrived safely at Narita Airport on October 4 and was greeted by my coworkers, Paul and Melissa Ewing, who had generously given up a day to make the round trip from Osaka to Tokyo and back. The protocols here include a 14-day quarantine upon arrival.

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by: Dennis & Nancy Palmer

The past summer has been both exciting and challenging. We appreciate the prayers on our behalf as we passed through the health problems that both of us faced. We are both doing fine at present but now are more aware on a practical level that there are unknown health challenges that come with aging.

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Grateful Heart Ignites Change of Life

by: Nick & Iris Hung

We have met a young lady who had depression for years. We name her Daisy. We met Daisy at a coffee shop while she had just lost her job at that time. She was sensitive, upset, emotional, a bit angry, and lacked confidence. We invited Daisy to meet regularly, and she shared her disappointment from daily living, unpleasant emotional life, and previous stressful jobs.

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Meeting Together for Spiritual Encouragement

by: Yuri Nakano

Last month was a very productive and exciting month, with some women events that were able to finally happen because the emergency state was lifted!

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God’s Checklist for Elsie

by: Elsie Lewandowski

As many of you know, in July I began “The Journey of my Right Eye.” It has been an exciting journey of watching God go through His checklist and answer every one of my needs and prayer requests with a check mark. It began with the discovery of an unknown mass pushing my optic nerve, to the removal of my right eye and the mass, and continues with radiation. But the journey!!

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God’s Faithful Work through 2021

by: Brandon & Marci Jones

“Happy fall, y’all” is a phrase I often hear in Missouri. Fall is my favorite time of year for many reasons, including the Advent season. Across the world people are crying out and searching for hope, and as Christ’s church we have a beautiful message to share about Christ’s coming.

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by: Calvin & Susanne Hohn

As the civil conflict in Cameroon enters its sixth year this month, conversations centering around fear, loss, oppression, death, suffering, trauma, and anger are common.

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New Season

by: Paul & Tanya Gericke

The cows have been coming home earlier and earlier each evening, and the wood boilers are up and running again. It can only mean one thing – we’re entering a new season!

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Faithfully Waiting

by: Paul and Melissa Ewing

Every two months I sit down to write to you all and look at my calendar to remind myself of the things that have been done. I’ll be honest, sometimes it’s hard to find something exciting to report back. After getting out of quarantine, starting English classes, Bible classes, and administration work at the church, we continue to daily work faithfully at Komyo Church.

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I Am Traveling to Russia and Ukraine!

by: Gary Clatterbuck

If with heart and soul you’re doing good, do you think you can be stopped? Even if you suffer for it, you’re still better off. Don’t give the opposition a second thought


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