Voices from the Field Paul and Melissa Ewing Get to know Paul and Melissa

Trusting God

Published on August 20, 2020

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Ladies seminar

Our COVID-19 numbers continue to rise, and at this time they are higher than in April when the State of Emergency was announced. Still, the Japanese government is not taking any active part in helping to make decisions by establishing any safety protocols. This is leaving the prefectures and cities to make their own choices, which leads to no decisions at all and business as usual. The Japanese borders are closed to foreigners who do not have residency, but travel within the country, business, and schools are as usual. This does bring concern as KCS begins their school year. We are wondering about the safety of Elijah traveling three trains and across prefecture borders. Could you please join us in prayer, as many of you are already praying about the children in your lives and their safety with regard to returning to school. Pray for creativity in finding a solution that will keep him safe and not expose him to the potential of contracting the virus. As we seek God’s wisdom, may we find peace with the decision that we make.

English class and Bible study setup

Like many of you, we are trying to continue ministry under this unique situation with COVID-19. Proverbs 18:15 says, “Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge.” So that is what we are trying to do. We are checking temperatures, wearing masks, and keeping two meters in distance apart. We have been able to continue our English classes and Bible studies, and even host a ladies’ seminar and a JBC regional Zoom meeting. What a blessing it is that participants recognized our efforts for wisdom and respected it by cooperating and being encouraged that the events that took place.

Japan’s borders continue to be closed, which means that Yuri Nakano continues to be in Edmonton, Alberta. Under certain circumstances, some foreign residents are being let back into the country, but the policy is written loosely to allow for entrance on a case-by-case basis. Please pray with us that we would be able to have clarity if this is a possibility.

JBC regional gathering for Zoom meeting

The Gaudio family has begun their fundraising efforts, and we continue to pray that God would answer our prayers and have them arrive August 2021. If you have not already, please get to know the Gaudio family: nabonmission.org/missionaries/raffaele-sylvia-gaudio/ and begin to pray for them.

Noah and Jonah will soon be finishing their summer work and are planning to head back to Houghton at the end of August. We receive weekly emails from the college and are blessed and encouraged by the commitment to planning and preparing for on-campus study. As you pray for other college students in your life, please keep Noah and Jonah in your prayers as they learn to follow a new normal.


  • Good time of study with JBC pastors through Zoom this past month.
  • No one in our church body has gotten sick from COVID-19.
  • Thankful participation and cooperation in English classes, Bible studies, church services, and other events.
  • Fellowship times on Zoom with Shan, Yuri, Raff, and Sylvia.


  • The uncertainty of the future as life is navigated with COVID-19. May we continue to seek God’s wisdom, direction, and peace in our lives.
  • Yuri’s visa and return to Japan would be accomplished in a timely manner.
  • The Gaudio family’s preparations and fundraising.
  • Noah and Jonah as Houghton plans to reopen with safety protocols in place. May the students cooperate and staff and students stay healthy.
  • Wisdom for Elijah’s schooling in Japan.

“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

Zephaniah 3:17 NLT


Paul & Melissa Ewing


2-33-6 Miikedai, minami ku, Sakai shi, Osaka Japan 590-0134

680 Heim road getzville New york USA 14068

Paul: pemedicus@yahoo.com Melissa: japanewing@yahoo.com
