Voices from the Field Paul and Melissa Ewing Get to know Paul and Melissa

Reminders of God’s Faithfulness

Published on May 14, 2019

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Dear Friends and Family,

Dr. Sakamoto and Paul

How does one fully express a heart full of thankfulness? It’s an amazing feeling and Paul and I have been humbled by the experience. Thank you all for your prayers, your words of encouragement, your listening ears, your generosity, and for walking with us during this crazy time. We are so thankful for God’s peace that surpasses all understanding; that peace helped us to see His fingerprints of support, protection, and the meeting of needs in the moment. Paul is fully recovered, healthy and moving forward in ministry. We pray that as we built relationships with the various nurses, doctors, and staff, they did not see our strength, joy, and love as something that is “American” but something different, something deeper than a nationality and that it would cause them to seek out God. Our hearts were touched by the nurses who made a point to say goodbye and asked Paul to come back to say hello. We pray that a seed has been planted and that others will come along after us to water and feed that seed so that a desire would be born to find God.

For the last two months as our lives were somewhat turned upside down, I experienced many reminders of God’s faithfulness and care for us. I was reminded that we live in a broken world waiting for God’s return when all creation will be made right with Him. Due to this broken world, bad things happen, but God is always holy, always good. I was reminded that He is all knowing, all present, and knows what the future holds, but also that my image of what God should do can often be misguided. I was reminded of God’s faithfulness, of His love for His children and His peace and joy that are mine to have when I place my trust in Him. I was reminded over and over that being in God’s word will shine a light onto His faithfulness, His love, His peace, and His joy.

Our Church’s name in Japanese

The highlight of March was celebrating the faithfulness of God at Komyo Christian Church’s 10th anniversary. Though we are still looked upon as a church plant, many of those attending the church have been coming for six, eight, or even ten years. We are thankful to God for building His church and having the privilege of seeing other’s faith grow stronger and deeper.

Anniversary favors with church’s name and symbol of the crosses

James 1:2 encourages us to consider the joy when going through trials and troubles. To consider; to contemplate; reflect; bear in mind; the joy, which can be found if we are willing to look up and see it. Joy is in the simplest things, a child’s helpfulness in doing laundry, co-workers’ prayers, team members taking over leadership, kind gestures of fruit, flowers, and all the hugs. When we rest in that joy, our faith grows in perseverance, which changes our perspective to see God at work.

Thank you for your love, support and prayers.


Paul and Melissa


P.S. If you know someone who is not receiving our newsletter or praise and prayer emails, please contact me at japanewing@yahoo.com.
