Voices from the Field


From +30 to -30

by: Lyndell Campbell-Requia

The Kairos Project Brazil is celebrating its first anniversary! Thank you so much to those of you who have given scholarships to the Brazilian Kairos students. Without these funds, this kind of education would not be possible.

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Reconciling Health Services Ministries

by: Walter & Florence Grob

The vision statement of the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services is to “offer quality care to all as an expression of Christian love.” This ministry is carried out through ten hospitals, twenty-nine health centers, a primary healthcare system for small rural villages, a centralized medicine and medical supply distribution service, specialized services for the disabled including the deaf and blind…

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Thankfulness, and Steadfast Endurance

by: Jeff & Sonya Kilmartin

August and September saw Jeff working closely with our partners on some major issues related to persecution, as seen later in this newsletter. This time frame also saw Sonya operating in high gear.

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To Everything There Is a Season

by: Vern and Gloria Wagner

The beginning of this season of living in Romania started in 2015 when God brought us here on a two-week mission trip to Camp Falcon Rock. It was on this trip we fell in love with the people and the country and began to sense God was calling us to something more.

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by: Kristi TenClay

I love autumn! I love the colors. I love the smells. I love the tastes. I love Thanksgiving. I love the imagery of the trees letting go of the past year’s leaves and settling in for a ‘down’ time before the next year’s growth.

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A Month of Testing

by: Julie Stone

With our academic year drawing to a close at the end of December, the last five weeks have been a whirlwind of testing. Each resident is expected to sit for a written exam (pictured above), an oral examination, and a practical bedside examination.

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The Just-a-Seck Newsletter

by: Ron & Jeannie Seck

You remember the water projects we are doing with the two Roma/M*sl*m villages, Meksiko, and Tribagremi? Well, after lots of starts and stops due to wildfires, land issues, material shortages, fundraising needs, and a need to rework the Meksiko plan, the clean water will be turned on this week in Tribagremi!

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Shan in Japan: November 2021

by: Shan Reed

I arrived safely at Narita Airport on October 4 and was greeted by my coworkers, Paul and Melissa Ewing, who had generously given up a day to make the round trip from Osaka to Tokyo and back. The protocols here include a 14-day quarantine upon arrival.

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by: Dennis & Nancy Palmer

The past summer has been both exciting and challenging. We appreciate the prayers on our behalf as we passed through the health problems that both of us faced. We are both doing fine at present but now are more aware on a practical level that there are unknown health challenges that come with aging.

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Grateful Heart Ignites Change of Life

by: Nick & Iris Hung

We have met a young lady who had depression for years. We name her Daisy. We met Daisy at a coffee shop while she had just lost her job at that time. She was sensitive, upset, emotional, a bit angry, and lacked confidence. We invited Daisy to meet regularly, and she shared her disappointment from daily living, unpleasant emotional life, and previous stressful jobs.

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