Voices from the Field


Transitions and Goodbyes

by: Calvin & Susanne Hohn

Something that most international workers are told during orientation is to prepared for a life of “goodbyes.” We have come to experience and understand this well during the past 23 years.

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A Look Back While Planning Ahead

by: Julie Stone

Currently in North America for an abbreviated Home Assignment, I’ve had the privilege of visiting many individuals and several churches. While there has not been sufficient time to visit all, my desire and intention is to connect with those missed in another two to three years.

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by: Brandon & Marci Jones

Although we’ve been missionaries for nearly five years, there seem to always be more “firsts” for us to experience as a family.

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Packing, Sorting, and Organizing

by: Ian Smith

We would like to take a moment to update you on what has been going on in our lives in the past month or so since we accepted the call to go to Romania for a year.

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Not in Vain

by: Claire Marker

Not in vain.” This statement summarizes the last few months for us as we evaluate the BCCL ministry over the decades and as we move forward.

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Kingdom Feast

by: Paul & Tanya Gericke

For the past month, we have been in full camp mode, seeing over 60 campers come out to Camp Falcon Rock each week. This year our theme for the camp was “Kingdom Feast,” looking at Jesus’s invitation to us to join him at the table.

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Praise G*d Together with Joyous Fellowship Moments

by: Nick & Iris Hung

We are thankful to complete the quarantine in Edmonton after returning to Canada. At the time of writing, we are on a deputation trip across Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario.

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Celebrations and Seminars

by: Yuri Nakano

We all enjoyed a celebration of thanksgiving as Komyo Church hosted a farewell party for Paul and Melissa Ewing (and son Elijah) for their faithful ministry in planting the church and raising it up to where it is today.

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For Such a Time as This

by: Maureen Moody

We have been in Yaoundé just over two months now. We live in a studio apartment on the ground floor of the building.

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G*d Never Stops Working

by: Nick & Iris Hung

Lunar New Year is the most important festival of the nation. In tradition, people return to their hometowns from working places hundreds or thousands of miles away and celebrate with family members and beloved ones.

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