We currently have two countries in which we need to expand our missionary team. Central Europe has unlimited opportunities to serve among the Roma, and in Japan we are seeking a couple who demonstrates a love and calling for this nation.

To explore these and other international missionary opportunities click here!

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Latest Voices From the Field

Ice Crackles and Seed Pods

by: Craig & Maureen Moody

Some of you may have experienced that when a puddle just lightly freezes over, if you tap it with your foot it makes a wonderful cracking sound.

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A Time of Transition

by: Julie Stone

Our transition to accepting international residents has gone well. To date, I’ve had the opportunity to work with four of the five new recruits.

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A Time of Crisis

by: Lyndell Campbell-Requia

This will be a much different prayer letter because of the historic flooding we are facing in our state in Brazil.

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 Global Partnerships

NAB has missions partners in a growing number of countries around the world.

Get Involved

We want to serve you, the church, and God’s mission by helping you navigate your path to serve in International Missions. We have four broad paths, each of which has its own unique characteristics.

Special Projects

For many other opportunities to give to tangible projects, visit our Special Projects Listing.

Meet Our International Missionaries

Read about their story of calling. Check out their latest post. Pray.

View All International Missionaries