
Shan Reed

Ministry Development in Japan NAB Missionary Download Profile

Becoming a People of Peace

Published on August 13, 2024

The theme for the NAB Triennial Conference this year was “Becoming a People of Peace.” I was encouraged, inspired, and challenged as I heard stories of how God is working around the world

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Be Still

Published on May 14, 2024

The last week of April, Yuri and I were able to attend a retreat for missionaries serving in Japan entitled “Still Waters.”

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Bless God

Published on February 13, 2024

It is quite a shock to receive a phone call in the middle of the worship service from a neighbor saying there is black smoke coming out of the windows of one’s apartment.

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Get to know Shan Reed

Q When did you first know God was calling you to the mission’s field?

I first had the desire to go to Japan to experience the culture and life here when I was in junior high school.  God grew that desire into a desire to serve Him here as I grew in my faith in Him.  I was a senior high school student when I started to understand my desire had changed and felt called to be a missionary.

Q How long have you been serving as a missionary? As a NAB missionary?

I have been serving as an NAB missionary for 15 years.

Q How would you describe your first year on the mission field?

Full of wonder!  I had been waiting to go to Japan since junior high school!  Every day was filled with adventure and new experiences that confirmed God’s call on my life.

Q What initial fears/concerns did you have about serving as a missionary overseas?

I felt (feel!) inadequate for the task.  I am just an ordinary person, not a spiritual giant like you read about in the missionary biographies.  I didn’t know if I had what it took to be a missionary.

Q What has been the most challenging aspect to your work?

Language and culture.  After two years of language school, I felt like a 4 year old being sent out to live on my own!  The more I learn about the culture, the more I realize I have to learn.  The more I understand, the more I want to understand better.

Q What are some of the ways you have been affirmed in following God’s leading?

When my parents came to visit me, they said that they could see Jesus shining through me as I interacted with people here and that I looked so at home.  That was very affirming to me!

Q What changes have you seen in yourself (what ways have you grown) since you have been serving overseas?

My faith has grown and deepened as I have learned to trust God in everything.  Also, I have greater empathy toward people who move to a new country and try to learn a new language and way of life.  It is not an easy task, no matter how called one feels!

Q What are some of the factors that lead you to become an overseas missionary through the NAB?

The biggest factor was God’s timing.  When I felt God telling me that it was time to go to Japan, NAB had a need for which I was qualified!  I had grown up in an NAB church and was excited to be part of what God was doing in Japan through NAB missionaries.

Q How can people pray for you?

Please pray for me as I interact with friends and students, that Jesus’ love will always be evident in my life and words, and that they will come to know Jesus’ love for themselves.



Country Facts

Japan A 3,000 km arc of four large islands (Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Kyushu) and 3,000 small islands in the northwest Pacific Ocean, Japan has been one of the NAB's international fields since 1951. Read More Facts View All Countries
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