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Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you for praying for our Christmas season and activities at the church. As we faithfully serve those that participate in the various activities of the church, God is faithful in giving us the strength and love to serve. The following pictures are from our Children’s Christmas party, Ladies Christmas craft and lunch, Gospel Café, and Christmas Eve service (where I was blessed by seeing my boys playing Christmas carols with their dad).
We rang in the New Year as a mission family and then with our church family on January 1, looking back at God’s blessings, being thankful, and looking to 2019 with God’s promises to take with us.
We continue to encourage and challenge those God has brought into our path to live for Him and choose to follow Jesus, our Good Shepherd. Paul preached the last two weeks on John 10, Jesus the Good Shepherd, and he shared a picture of a shepherd with a large herd of sheep. What struck me about this picture was that the shepherd is in front, and 50 or more sheep are following right behind him. Following Jesus is a choice, and if we are to grow in our relationship with Jesus, and know His voice, we have to choose to be right behind Him, following, being saved daily from our sins. As we ourselves choose daily to follow Jesus and hear His voice, we continue to challenge and encourage others to do the same. Please be in prayer for a single gentleman and a family in the church that right now are struggling in choosing to follow Jesus.
They are being pulled and drawn by the troubles of this world. Pray that they would continue to put their faith in Jesus and trust in the process, which includes the promise that in God’s good and faithful time all things come together for our good (Romans 8:28). Pray for the others who attend Komyo through Sunday worship, Bible studies, or English classes, and whether a long time Christian, a new Christian, or just being exposed to who God is, that the truth of God and His love would be evident. As events are planned for the coming months, pray that hearts would receive the truth of God’s love and choose to follow the Good Shepherd.
There are only a few short months left until Jonah and his classmates graduate from Kansai Christian School. Please keep the five graduates in your prayers as they seek God’s direction. Jonah’s classmates will either return to the States, stay in Japan, or move to a new country for university. Pray that the roots of their faith will continue growing down into the depths of Jesus’ love so they may be strengthened to face the coming adjustments and adventures. (Ephesians 3:17)
Paul and Melissa
P.S. If you know someone who is not receiving our newsletter or praise and prayer emails, please contact me at