Voices from the Field


A Busy End

by: Ian Smith

Hello everyone. It’s been a busy few months since we sent our last letter. We have worshipped with and served in many different churches in Romania.

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Courage in Hard Times

by: Lyndell Campbell-Requia

July was a well-deserved winter break for our students. Our second semester has started with a two-week intensive class on Advance Preaching.

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Thankfulness, Transition, Trust

by: Nick & Iris Hung

Greetings with our Father’s peace and joy. In the past quarter, we had the privilege of serving in different ways around several provinces.

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Summer Camps

by: Paul & Tanya Gericke

Happy summer, everyone! We have had a full last couple of months getting adjusted to being back in Romania after our home assignment and then running a full month of camps at Camp Falcon Rock!

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Trust through Change

by: Yuri Nakano

There was a huge announcement in our staff meeting at the end of May when Paul and Melissa Ewing shared that God had led them to not return back to Japan as missionaries.

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Receiving and Sharing Jesus

by: Brandon & Marci Jones

Every year, the Baptist churches of our state have a local missions campaign that focuses on church planting.

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Changing Venues

by: Walter & Florence Grob

With home assignment looming in mid-July, a change of venue, we prayed and asked for prayer on how Florence and my responsibilities in Cameroon would be handled.

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Worlds Apart

by: Jeff & Sonya Kilmartin

Coming back for furlough, or ‘home assignment’ as it is more correctly termed, can be a bit of a minefield – preparation and packing while still trying to do ministry . . .

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New Initiatives

by: Geoff Hartt

Last month we launched a new initiative for training Hispanic leaders. There are four modules in this initiative – Introduction to Theology, Spiritual Formation, Contextualized Mission, and Church Planting.

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The “Just-a-Seck” Times: August 2023

by: Ron & Jeannie Seck

The last three months have been truly an adventure for Jeannie and me; and the next three promise to be even more so.

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