Voices from the Field


New Challenges

by: Maureen Moody

The Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC) has well over 150 departments/ministries, including administrative departments, rest houses, indigenous national missionary units, two seminary locations, nursery, primary  and secondary schools, hospitals, health centers and specialized health service projects…

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Exciting Progress in Paraguay

by: Geoff Hartt

An example here is from Paraguay, where exciting things are beginning to happen regularly, like seven new believers being baptized and eleven new people being accepted into membership at Iglesia Florida in San Lorenzo, Paraguay, last month.

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On the Road Again

by: Rick & Debbie Bardin

We arrived in the USA from Cameroon on January 14 and will be here until mid-June. Nashville First Baptist Church has made their mission house available to us, and we are very grateful!! We have enjoyed some time in Tennessee with our son and his family (including four grandsons) on the weekends.

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A New Year

by: Jason & Erin Bergman

We can’t believe that it is already February 2022! Despite being away from close friends, family, and the familiar, which made for some hard moments, we had a really nice Christmas holiday. We visited new villages, attended church services, spent time with neighbors, and acquired some new traditions. It was a special season, as it was our first Christmas in Romania.

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God Has Not Failed Me Yet

by: Elsie Lewandowski

One of the best declarations of faith is unexpectedly found in the book of Lamentations. Jeremiah, the prophet, has suffered greatly but still discovers that God’s mercy never ends and that each day holds new surprises. This, too, has been true in my life these past months.

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Faithfully Waiting

by: Paul and Melissa Ewing

Happy New Year! When you wish someone Happy New Year in Japan on or after January 1, there is a set phrase: “Happy New Year, and please be kind to me during this New Year.”

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In all Things, God

by: Claire Marker

Romans 8 is quite an encouraging passage of Scripture. It starts off reminding us of the work of Christ, then it goes on to exhort believers to live by the Spirit. Then it assures us that “our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” and ends on a high note saying that we are “more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Indeed, we are!

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Resources, Stories, and Pictures

by: Gary Clatterbuck

I will post some really good resources to help our understanding of these matters as they are happening today. Feel free to click the links to helpful articles. Read, consider, and then pray, especially for the believers on both sides of the conflict.


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Praise God – to Be Able to Train Again

by: Walter & Florence Grob

The Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC) has well over 150 departments/ministries, including administrative departments, rest houses, indigenous national missionary units, two seminary locations, nursery, primary  and secondary schools, hospitals, health centers and specialized health service projects…

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God Is Faithful

by: Brandon & Marci Jones

We often tell our kids that the greatest indicator for God’s faithfulness in the future is his faithfulness in the past. This is a message us grownups need to hear often, too, and in the last couple of months we have seen God’s repeated faithfulness to our family.

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