Voices from the Field Paul and Melissa Ewing Get to know Paul and Melissa

Summer Scenes

Published on August 20, 2019

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These are the Tokyo seminary students who spent six days participating in the ministry at Komyo Christian Church. They were able to participate in Bible studies, English classes, worship services, and help with our Family Festival. Being a part of God’s family is not just about conversion but speaking and mentoring into each other’s lives as well. We are thankful to have the opportunity to have this relationship with the Tokyo Bible Seminary and pray that we will have future opportunities to fellowship with each other and speak into each other’s lives.

This is the second year to have our Family Festival, a fun time of games and activities to invite the community around us, to come to the church. Though the event is still slowly being made aware of in the community, it was a great time of growth for the church as many volunteered to lead an activity or volunteer on the day, helping to make the day a success. It was a blessing to see the church build community among themselves as well as reaching out. Adults and youth joined forces to make Family Festival a wonderful time of fellowship and fun.

We also believe in partnering with our neighbor churches as we all work for the Kingdom. We were thankful that Takei Sensei once again joined us to share his ventriloquism skills. Besides pastoring a neighboring church, Takei Sensei is also a leader for Hi-BA (High School Born Againers), a ministry that Paul has volunteered with over the years and our sons participate in. It is a blessing to partner with him.

Paul has joined us here in Buffalo, New York, for the month and it has been good to be together as a family. We are looking forward to celebrating Paul’s 50th birthday with the five of us (it is early but we are together now), taking Jonah and Noah to college, and being able to participate in the stands to cheer the boys on as they play soccer. We fly back to Japan at the end of August and will jump right in to gearing up for Elijah to start school and our September ministry activities.

We are thankful for your continued prayer and financial support and are praying for you as you enjoy summer times and fall preparations!

Paul & Melissa Ewing
