Voices from the Field Nick & Iris Hung Get to know Nick & Iris Hung

We are So Blessed to Serve

Published on May 10, 2018

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Dear Family and Friends,

Having had a year of fruitful home assignment, we returned to the field in late April. We treasured every moment to meet many of you, though time was short. With mixed feelings of sadness to say good-bye with family and friends in North America and excitement to reunion with brothers and sisters on the field, we are thankful to have the privilege to serve our Lord together with you for His Kingdom wherever we are.

During the past year of home assignment, we got many opportunities to visit and share G*d’s work with almost all of our supporting congregations and individuals in North America and Asia. Having participated in more than 75 meetings, m*ssion events, conferences, and visitations across western and eastern provinces in Canada, we are lifted up and strengthened by our gracious Father through your intercessions, love, encouragement, and all kinds of support. Your walking with us in the m*ssion journey means a lot to us indeed. In particular, we are so blessed to serve as representatives of Taylor Seminary in the M*ssions Fest Alberta in February where we met the next generation and motivated them to serve in m*ssions ministries.

Five years ago, NAB launched ministries in a new field in East Asia. According to the great needs of the nation and development of min*stries in here, we keep pr*ying for His guidance and provision to have more workers on the field. Praise the Lord! HE is the One who listens and answers our pr*yers. We are excited to host several exploratory field visits in May, June, August, October, and December this year. Please pr*y that the Lord guides and touches the hearts of the right people and gives them burden to serve Him on this field, starting from STM (short term) to long-term commitment of service in the near future.

At the time of writing, we had just arrived at the field less than a week. Nevertheless, when compared to the situation in our previous term of service, the tightening atmosphere and restriction in activities could be realized immediately here. Meanwhile, several outreach summer camps for left-behind children are being organized and will be held in July. We invite you to join us in pr*yers that the door of Good News continues to be open in His grace and protection.

Please continue to pr*y that G*d provides His servants to serve with us together in East Asia: nabonmission.org/get-involved/missionary-job-openings


We appreciate very much for your pr*yers and partnership.

Your m*ssion*ries,

Nick and Iris
