Voices from the Field Nick & Iris Hung Get to know Nick & Iris Hung

Living Hope through His Resurrection

Published on May 09, 2023

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Dear family and friends,

Greetings in the blossoming season! Flower buds grow, plants thrive, and sturdy trees remain to stand towering on the green.

Thank you for lifting us up; ministries in the past quarter were fruitful. We have completed four trips to other provinces for evang*lism, discipleship, and giving counseling sessions. We visited some chu*ch leaders in a village and encouraged them to stand firm in faith. One of our cell group members relocated to another province last year. She got depression for years. In March, her emotion turned very unstable, and even she had an intention to end her own life. We made a trip to visit her and used G*d’s word to comfort and encourage her. Meanwhile, we grabbed the opportunity to share the G*spel to her mother and care for her soul. Praise the L*rd! Her mother accepted Jes*s as her savior!

Recently, we have given premarital counseling to a couple who plan to get married in October. Both of them became believers in their hometowns when they were young. However, we realized that their understanding of Chr*stian principles has obvious deviations from what the B*ble says. Due to the lack of comprehensive equipment for chu*ch leaders in most rural areas, it is not uncommon that believers’ faith is easily shaken by the worldly values after they move to cities. We tried our best to elaborate the truth to them besides providing b*blical premarital counseling sessions.

At the same time, we knew some other believers who had become Jes*s followers in their hometowns, G*d touched our hearts to help them have clearer understanding of salvation and Chr*stian beliefs. We conducted basic discipleship training, as well as some workshops on various topics that are practical to witness our faith in daily living, such as “Share the G*spel wherever we are,” “Meaning and principles of courtship and marriage,” “How to interact with friends with depression and support them,” etc.

Since the easing of nationwide COVID restrictions and lockdowns early this year, we are joyful to meet some friends who have not been able to see face-to-face for several years. Two families from other provinces came to visit us. We enjoyed every gathering through sharing G*d’s grace in our lives. Praise the L*rd that we have met 34 groups of friends in more than 45 in-person gatherings and meetings last quarter. We gave thanks to Jes*s for keeping His sheep well in Him physically and spiritually in the midst of all kinds of challenges and difficulties in the past few years.

Last but not least, thanks to our L*rd’s caution and comfort in John 15:18–20 forewarning that His followers should neither be surprised nor be despaired if unbelievers in the world hate them. Hostility towards Chr*stianity by the atheistic authority in the country of our service has been increasing since 2018. The latest update of World Watch List 2023 by Open Doors International reveals that believers here face a very high level of persecution. Details about the update can be accessed on the website of Open Doors International.

While we celebrated our Savior’s victorious resurrection with national believers last month, His word (1 Peter 1:3–9) encouraged every one of us by being filled with inexpressible joy into a living hope in Him. Please accept our heartfelt appreciation to your continual intercession for His every presence to strengthen national believers, to draw non-believers (in particular, the leaders of authorities) close to Himself, and to protect His servants serving in those countries where Chr*stians are under persecution because of faith.

By G*d’s mercy, may the proclamation of His kingdom be unhindered as in Acts 28:31!

With love and gratitude,

Nick & Iris
