
Nick and Iris Hung

Evangelism and Discipleship NAB Missionaries Download Profile

Get Ready to Start a New Page

Published on August 15, 2024

In our previous letter, we mentioned a seminary student couple who had graduated in May and were seeking ministry opportunity.

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Following His Steps

Published on May 13, 2024

Before leaving from our previous mission field, we delivered discipleship training and organized spiritual retreats for local churches.

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Thankfulness, Waiting, and Anticipation

Published on February 12, 2024

We are grateful to NAB’s thoughtfulness and caring that we would participate in Debriefing and Renewal sessions in regard to our prior service in a demanding and fast-paced field.

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Get to know Nick and Iris Hung

  1. When did you first know father was calling you to the field?

N – During the period of 2002-2003, Father touched my heart to share the good news to people of other nations through participating in various short-term mission ministries. In particular, He urged me to move forward in this direction at Urbana 2003 Conference.

  1. What life experiences did you have that helped you prepare to go overseas?

N – Since I was sixteen years old, travelling to other countries with backpacker friends became one of my favorite activities. Through communicating with people in different countries and staying at different environments, it broadened my way of thinking, enhanced my acceptability of other ways to do things which are different from mine, as well as improved my ability to cope with different living conditions.

  1. What life experiences did you have that helped you prepare to go overseas?

I – I encourage myself to live out of comfort zone, try new things, meet some people who are not of the same language and culture.

  1. How would you describe your first year on the field?

N – When I look back my first year on Asia field, I would describe it as an “adaption and learning” period of my ministries here.

Adaption: the new physical environment, food, limited amount of genuine information about outside world from public media and limited access of overseas websites/internet

Learning: many survival skills and knowledge, language, getting to know the nationals’ social norms, moral standards, beliefs, worldview, etc.

  1. What are some of the ways you have been affirmed in following Father’s leading?

N – In July, both Iris and I got a strong burden and feeling that it is time for us to get involved in local church ministries. We prayed for His direction. In August, there were several brothers and sisters who “suddenly” approached us and shared the great need in their churches. They urged us for our involvement/help. We prayed about this and father touched our hearts to serve in a local church. We strongly feel that God is leading us.

I – I got a passion to help female university students and give them advice on education, courtship and relationship issues. Divorce percentage is also very high where we live. New married young couples look for role models, and find out how to keep harmony in the new family with their original families, etc.

I am very thankful that many female students and young couples come to me and share with me their struggles and difficulties. Through listening and giving them advice, I can also witness my faith to them and help them set up a father-like family.

  1. What is something that would surprise others about your work or the people you work with?

I – Father is awesome. I have experienced miracles while working with HIM and for HIM. Working in an environment with unfamiliar language and culture, I face many uncertainties every day. I am unable to lean on my own ability, knowledge and experience. Therefore, I look for HIS presence and guidance. Father is the one to make a way beyond my imagination. Every time when I see how HE opens doors for me and what HE prepares for me, I am experiencing miracles.

  1. What advice would you give to those considering overseas work?

I – I would suggest those who are considering working overseas: (a) to have a mind to keep learning; (b) to be flexible; (c) learn to be patient; and (d) always prepare to give joyfully.

  1. How can people pray for you?

I – (a) Please pray that father draws the lost people close to HIM and respond to HIS love. (b) Please pray that I can learn language better as I cannot memorize the tone and the sound of the words properly. (c) Please pray that Father gives me a clear mind to discern HIS guidance and will.

N – I am so excited to become involved in local church ministry here. Pray for His direction, strength and protection.

Country Facts

Japan A 3,000 km arc of four large islands (Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Kyushu) and 3,000 small islands in the northwest Pacific Ocean, Japan has been one of the NAB's international fields since 1951. Read More Facts View All Countries
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