Voices from the Field


Goal Reached for Slide Scanner

by: Rick & Debbie Bardin

We have been so encouraged in these last few months from all the answered prayer. You are a part of that, and you can rejoice with us! It is phenomenal to have non-stop electricity 24/7! We have had steady power for over a month now, and it is such a blessing.

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Summer Camps Are a Go!

by: Vern and Gloria Wagner

Praise God that Camp Falcon Rock is able to open the doors once again for summer camps. What a joyous sound to hear the laughter and excitement of having young people…

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Waiting for the Lord

by: Kristi TenClay

My short trip back to Cameroon went well. What a blessing to be able to rejoin the community in the end-of-year festivities, to share my current journey with friends and students there, and to pack up my life there before returning to the US for this year of home assignment!

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Is Fear Healthy?

by: Julie Stone

In June I had an opportunity to travel to Banso Baptist Hospital (BBH) with a resident. One of my goals has been to visit BBH on a quarterly basis in order to encourage the staff, to support….

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The “Just a Seck” Times

by: Ron & Jeannie Seck

If you’ve been keeping up with our prayer partner updates, you’ll know that the last three months have been very eventful for us and our CHE EuroNet teams. (If you don’t get our prayer updates, write us at our email address below, and we’ll gladly add you to our team.)

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Shan in Japan

by: Shan Reed

Home assignment this year has been one of the most unusual home assignments I have experienced.

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G*d Is Our Strength, an Ever-Present Help in Trouble

by: Nick & Iris Hung

Greetings in the blossomy spring season!

In April, a two-day outreach event has been held successfully in the rural area close to a beautiful mountain.

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Summer Ministry!

by: Paul & Tanya Gericke

Wow – what an amazing three weeks we have just completed. It is hard to believe that staff training and two weeks of middle school camps are already over. It has been amazing, life-giving, energizing, and overwhelming at times to have children…

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New Semester, New Baptisms

by: Lyndell Campbell-Requia

Our second semester of this year started on July 26 with an intensive course on the spiritual disciplines and on how to be intentional in developing our relationship with the Lord when in full-time ministry.

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The God Who Sees

by: Jason & Erin Bergman

During our time in Colorado, we had the opportunity to walk to a nearby coffee shop one crisp afternoon. It was about a mile walk from where we were staying. On the way back, one of our kids said, “I can’t wait to get home so I can warm up.” Interesting, isn’t it?

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