Voices from the Field


New Season

by: Paul & Tanya Gericke

Thank you for all your prayers, care, and messages for us in light of all that is happening here in Eastern Europe, and specifically in Ukraine. We apologize that our response time has been slow to those who have reached out – we have been trying to get a handle on the situation.

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God’s Love

by: Paul and Melissa Ewing

We pray the message of God’s love would saturate their hearts. It was wonderful to watch the youth share the Easter story with the kids who attended and lead a worship song. It is great joy seeing the younger generation take an active participation in leading service. Pray for them as they work out their faith and serve in the church.

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Theological Education

by: Lyndell Campbell-Requia

After four months on home assignment, we are arriving in Brazil on May 4. Soon I will be back into my more regular routine and meeting with my students once again! I am looking forward to connecting with my Kairos students and having in-person classes during the fall semestre (August to November). The Kairos Project continues to grow, and we are in the process of adding another academic mentor.

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by: Jason & Erin Bergman

Happy spring! We hope you are all enjoying some time outside these days. We are certainly enjoying the warmer weather and the beautiful spring landscape here in Romania.

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Mexico – at the Heart of NAB Gateway

by: Randy Schmor

Mexico represents a very special place in the Schmor family’s heart, especially in relation to our work in international missions through the years. Let me explain a bit more. . .

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Counting God’s Blessings

by: Claire Marker

Lately, God has been reminding us to look beyond and rise above setbacks. How? By counting His blessings! And indeed, there are times when God gives more than what we ask for or even think of.

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In the Teaching/Meeting Swing of Things…


Greetings from a small village on the Mambilla Plateau, Nigeria. I (Jeff) have been in Gembu, Nigeria, for the past several weeks, teaching in the Mambilla Baptist Theological Seminary down in the small village of Mbu.

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New Challenges

by: Maureen Moody

The Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC) has well over 150 departments/ministries, including administrative departments, rest houses, indigenous national missionary units, two seminary locations, nursery, primary  and secondary schools, hospitals, health centers and specialized health service projects…

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