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Bogdan, Emmie, & Trixie Dryjski, hosts in Winnipeg.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Grouse Mt., Vancouver, from my hostess’ place.
What an amazing journey these last few months have been. What a privilege to meet, once again, all those folks who have prayed and given financially and often sent words of encouragement. I have had the privilege of visiting the Winnipeg area, the Vancouver area, rural Alberta, and churches in Edmonton and Calgary. People have been so gracious, welcoming me and repeatedly telling me how they prayed for me. It is such a great thing to be part of the family of God.

Butterfly in the butterfly garden, Winnipeg.
In the meantime, God has also been gracious in finding helpers to help me renovate my condo in Edmonton. They worked so hard and were so dedicated to the project. Thanks to my sister, Dusty; my sister-in-law, Trish; my cousin, Herb; and my childhood friend, Doris. I could never have done it without them. It has been sold with a God-given price.
Plus, God has found me a lovely place to buy in Calgary. It is not only within my price range but has “ticked all the boxes” for location and style inside the condo. It has two large bedrooms, an in-suite laundry, and a kitchen with a large pass-through so I can visit with guests while in the kitchen. It even has underground parking and an elevator. As a bonus, God even allowed me to buy all the furniture I need with the condo purchase. Who can outgive God? It does not allow me to own a cat, but maybe God knows more about that situation than I do. I’m trusting Him to figure it out. It also doesn’t allow me to keep my piano, but I’ve found a friend who was just “thinking of getting her own piano.” God has a way of working things out, doesn’t He?

Dusty and I working on kitchen cupboards.
My retirement begins at the end of June, but I’m sure that I will continue to visit churches, especially during the mission emphasis times in the fall. If I haven’t visited with you yet and you would like me to come, please contact me at People ask about my retirement plans. I have many ideas for volunteering but also plan to digitally scrapbook all those pictures of our FES/SCA times in Cameroon, plus write the story of my family’s journey to Canada. I’m sure that I will not be idle, using any excuse to travel and visit people across North America.

Meeting Esther Haumann, daughter of Karissa & Oliver. Karissa was one of my first MK students in Cameroon.
As I tell people of “what I learned about God’s faithfulness,” I realize over and over again that people in the audience also have their stories of God’s faithfulness. We need to tell the stories. People need to hear that the God of the Bible is the God of now. May our stories bring glory to Him and draw others to experience His faithfulness.

Ruthie Clark, Karissa and Esther Haumann and I visiting Nancy Grover, the missionary I replaced as homeschooling coordinator.
Thank you for your own faithfulness to me through your prayers and financial gifts. May God show Himself as faithful throughout all the years yet to come.

With Talia Pashke and Madi Reimer, who, many years ago, deeply desired dolls from Cameroon and have diligently prayed for Cameroon ever since.
In His Hands,