Voices from the Field


Spring Blossoms of Hope

by: Yuri Nakano

The cherry blossoms seem especially pretty this year amidst the difficult stories we hear around us. I was also happy to be able to attend my first and only (so far since arriving in Japan this year) in-person worship service on Easter Sunday this year!

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Wrapping Up Our First Term

by: Brandon & Marci Jones

At the beginning of April, we announced that our family will be taking an early home assignment.

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The Women of the CBC

by: Calvin & Susanne Hohn

Unlike one hundred, or even fifty, years ago, the largest demographic of Christians today is women from the Global South (Africa, Latin America, and Asia), the majority of whom are poor, uneducated, and young (Source: Philip Jenkins, The Next Christendom, 2011).

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Ministry Update of the Cameroon Baptist Convention Education Department

by: Walter & Florence Grob

When the missionaries first came to Cameroon and the national church took its roots, the mission/church was the first to open schools and provide formal education. The goal was to train Cameroonian children in a Christian context as a tool for evangelism and to prepare them with the life skills for adulthood.

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The Blessing of Walking with the Lord

by: Jason & Erin Bergman

During our time in Colorado, we had the opportunity to walk to a nearby coffee shop one crisp afternoon. It was about a mile walk from where we were staying. On the way back, one of our kids said, “I can’t wait to get home so I can warm up.” Interesting, isn’t it?

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We Know Our Redeemer Lives

by: Rick & Debbie Bardin

This verse helps us keep perspective during times like COVID and social unrest in both the US and Cameroon. It seems that the Lord continues to teach us lessons of how to live in unstable, unpredictable, and unprecedented times.

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“Not My Will, but Yours Be Done”

by: Claire Marker

Take this cup from us Lord . . .” such is the travail of many believers today. This “cup” of tribulation called COVID‑19 has become so bitter that the deaths and desperation, the many losses and frustrations, and the things we can no longer do freely have been so difficult to swallow by so many.

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