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- For safety as students meet in-person in Odesa
- For students in Moscow threatened with conscription
- For the widows in Ukraine (estimated close to 10,000)
- That supply lines and electricity will be maintained
- For the forced homeless from housing destroyed (800,000)
- For churches who have lost everything, over 400 destroyed
- That shipments of grain can be restored.
- For pastors as they deal with PTSD and death daily
- For the war to end soon
- For the thousands of displaced people in both countries
- For discernment of how we can best help
- Nearly 100 new students at Moscow seminary
- Nearly 136 new students at Odessa seminary
- The campus is now open in Ukraine
- Praise that God provided a specialist from Canada now helping develop a curriculum for pastors on counseling PTSD
- Over 300 widows and their kids who attended a camp run by an Odesa graduate
- All faculty in both seminaries are safe
- For the safety of our many students
- For over 3,000 Ukraine seminary graduates serving in wartime
- For over 5,000 pastors and leaders we have helped train serving in Russia
- For the churches in both countries meeting and serving their people
What brings me hope?
1. Seeing Slava, our friend and professor, in class in Odesa.
2. Knowing that thousands of leaders we have trained serving in places we cannot go . . . Russia, Ukraine, Tajikistan, North Korea. All served by those we have taught.
3. Seeing new students in the classes in Ukraine. These are among the hundreds being trained now.
4. Looking forward to taking volunteers who can help repair churches and clean up after the war is over. Watch for details as they become known to us.
5. Praising God for the good visits to many of our churches in Canada and North Dakota. Five weekends of time to report and to share the ministry.