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Sometimes pictures tell the story best. Sasha (Alexander), on the left and then on the right was part of a group I was privileged to lead about three
years ago in Khabarovsk, Russia. It was a week of Spiritual Formation. The last day each student writes a letter from God to them based on a pattern found in the early chapters of Revelation. God has used this exercise each time I lead a group in Russia. After each person composes their letter,
they read it to the group. Then we gather around the person and pray for them, literally laying hands on them in response to their letter. I am often in tears as I listen to these letters from their hearts. Between the letter and the prayers, God has often shown up in great ways. That happened in Sasha’s life.
Last Sunday I was asked to preach in a church led by the regional pastor for Khabarovsk, Benjemin. As part of the service he often has members share what God has been doing in their lives. It so happened (I don’t believe by chance) that Sasha was to share. The rest of the story is bringing tears to my eyes as I write. Sasha shared that three years ago he was in a spiritual formation gathering. As he shared more of his story he added “I did not know Gary was going to be here today, but I need to share this with you.” He went on to tell how his father had beaten him as a child. He was deeply hurt and carried that hurt into much of his life. God used that spiritual formation time and prayer to free him from this area of brokenness in his life. It had literally changed his life. (OK, I was crying as he shared). Sometimes you don’t know how God will use you as you are obedient to Him and open about your own brokenness. This is why I go when God allows me to serve in Russia. This one moment of sharing let me know the entire reason for all the investment in serving leaders for the churches in Russia.
Sasha is shown next with Alexey Zanin, the area pastor for Sahkalin Island (north of Japan). We have been mentoring him and see him as one of the new and younger leaders in this part of Russia. I had the privilege of sharing in a church on the Island before getting to Khabarovsk. Next to that picture is Sergey, a Korean businessman with great talent in music and also a young new leader in this region. He leads the services in this small but growing church.
It was the last week in January when we were in that area. The picture below shows an ice sculpture, one of hundreds in the city center and also around the city. Khabarovsk is a major city close to both China and the Pacific. We have been working with them to develop the learning center which several of our NAB pastors and others have visited and have consulted with young leaders.
From Khabarovsk, we have traveled to Moscow to meet with the leaders of Moscow Seminary and especially with Dr. Mitskevich, the president. We continue to work with them in planning future ways our consultants can serve the developing leaders in all of Russia.
These are pictures from the library of Moscow Seminary. Here is one of the oldest printed Russian Bibles in the world.
At the present time the Russian people have this version of the Bible as well as a new “modern” version. Acceptance of the new version has been slow, but reminds one of the early days of modern English translations.
Thanks for being part of this important work.