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We have had some lowlight times these last few months, which are always more difficult to express in words than highlight times. But we can testify that in the down times we have seen God at work mightily, drawing us closer to Him and to the community we have here. We have experienced disappointments in the progress of the radiation center project; it has met several challenges and is progressing slower than anticipated. Also, as we mentioned in the last newsletter, Rick’s slide scanner was down for five months. It had to be sent to South Africa for repair, which took a long time to arrange and get done. After a few months of peace, we have experienced more uprisings in the continued conflict zone we live in, and loss of friends in death due to sickness.
One of the friends we lost was little Sam, the boy we wrote about a couple newsletters back who we had arranged to get an oxygen concentrator for so he could be discharged home. He did very well for about a year then had repeated lung infections and got to the point where his lung tissue was so scarred that even the oxygen concentrator machine that was donated for him was not enough on 100%. The Lord took him after being in the hospital for about two weeks this last admission. He is truly at peace and rests now we believe, in the arms of Jesus.
On a brighter note, we have been in the US since mid-January, visiting family. We started out in Nashville with our son Jess and his wife Faryn and our four grandboys: Caleb (15), Josiah (12), Daniel (10), and David (9). We had two weeks with our daughter Jeanna and her husband Ryan and our two grandkids, Mia (6) and Trace (3), near Orlando. Now we are back in Nashville for time with Jess’ family.

Enjoying some lunch after church with Jess’ fam.

Riding the train with Mia & Trace.
We thank the Lord for this opportunity to be with family and for the volunteer pathologists who are providing services on Mbingo cases via telepathology. We are very thankful the scanner was repaired just in time for us to take this trip. That was made possible by the Southwestern Medical Clinic Foundation.
We did have some happy times of victory and celebration in these last three months which are shown in the following pictures. 😊

At our churches retreat for the missionary pastors who were given NIV Study Bibles provided by the NAB.

Fabrice, a deaf student we sponsor.

We have many opportunities to pray with folks who come to our door in need.

Celebrating Dr. Gaelle’s graduation.

Celebrating a newborn baby of our friend.

Bertrand, Rick’s mentee, reciting memorized Scripture.

Bertrand working in children’s ministry.
We are so thankful to our Lord and to all of you who pray for us and support our ministry financially.
In His Matchless Love,