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Ron and Jeannie meet in May with the Kosovo team partnering with Rowendale Baptist Church in Winnipeg, MB.
On August 1, we went to my doctor’s office to be fitted with a heart monitor that I must wear for the next 30 days.
The last three months have been truly an adventure for Jeannie and me; and the next three promise to be even more so. It is wonderful to know the God who knows the future, even when we do not.
While we were in Hungary in May, after completing an intense schedule of visiting CHE EuroNet teams in Hungary, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, and Kosovo, I started having what I thought were strong asthma symptoms. After a month of visiting doctors and taking meds for asthma and just getting weaker, we found out in the ER of a hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota, that what I had was atrial fibrillation. We got back safely to Phoenix, Arizona, where my cardiologist did a cardioversion to regulate my heartbeat. Since then, my heart is not quite behaving itself, hence the heart monitor.

Ron presents CHE strategy to Roma church leaders in south Serbia last May.
We were to return to Hungary August 1 for a four-month stint; but I am grounded until my meds and heartbeat get straightened out and my doctors say I can go. That is certainly something you can pray about for us. We can do admin work from here, but we would rather be there, especially for the annual CHE EuroNet Gathering September 27 to October 1 in Albania. We’ve been leading the organizing of this conference where all our CHE teams meet for advanced training, challenge, inspiration, encouragement, fellowship, and networking, so we would love to be there. Of course, we must say, “Lord willing,” and that means more to us this year than most.
Speaking of heart issues, Juli Olah, a precious member of our MEK Hungary team, suffered a mild heart attack two weeks ago while in the hospital for thyroid issues. She is now home resting and feeling better. Keep her in your prayers as well.
We have lots of news to report to you from our field. Our month-long trip in May was to introduce my replacement as CHE Central Europe Coordinator, Hessel Keuter, to most of our CHE teams and their projects. We were challenged and inspired by the difficulties they are facing and by their plans to go deeper into outreach and development in their current projects, and to enter new communities as well. What they need most is sustainable partners to accomplish their visions. Pray for God to supply this need.
In the summertime, our Roma villages empty of adults, who are off to work in the farm fields and vineyards of Central Europe and the Balkans. It is a great time to focus on the village children and youth, and that means summer camps. Here is Jeannie’s report on MEK Hungary’s camps in Boldog, Apc, and Zsambok:
BOLDOG CAMP: After a bumpy first day, the Boldog camp finished well, praise God. Fifteen Roma children attended. Members of the MEK team were able to work with the kids, and sensed that the Lord was working in their hearts. You can see some pictures here.
APC CAMP: The North American Baptist Fuse Team, led by Randy Schmor, arrived safely in Hungary the week of July 24 and were able to help with the larger children’s camp in Apc. MEK team member Sandi Temesvary returned from serving as teacher/translator at the Hungarian English camp to also join the team in Apc. Read Randy’s newsletter to learn more about Apc.
ZSAMBOK CAMP: MEK team members Feri and Juli Olah pastor the local church in this village. It has been a good place for MEK to share Christ in summer camps for many years. We praise the Lord this summer that MEK is blessed to have help from the NAB team in this outreach. It is taking place this first week in August. Randy will be sharing more about that in his writings.

Sandi Temesvary (left) and Juli Olah, MEK team members.
UKRAINE RELIEF MINISTRY: MEK team member Leonard Hanykovics continues to bring relief supplies of food, medicines, and life’s necessities to the Ukraine border, where a network of Ukrainian Christians picks it up and takes it to churches to be distributed to needy families uprooted by the ongoing war. He reports that every Ukrainian family has felt the pain of the war and suffering is nationwide. In the midst of this, the Gospel is preached and precious souls are coming to Christ. Keep giving and praying for God’s mercy work there. Also, pray for a replacement for Leonard’s minivan that suffered its second major breakdown due to the heavy loads it is carrying.

MEK Hungary team member Leonard Hanykovics unloads relief supplies from his minivan at the Ukraine border.
For His Kingdom Come in Central Europe and the Balkans,