Voices from the Field Maureen Moody Get to know Maureen

I Can See and Hear You Better

Published on February 14, 2023

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Standing behind the scratched plexiglass shield, I could see a less-than-ideal image of the cashier. Her “Bonjour” sounded muffled and unfriendly. Did my hazy image appear less than the pleasant and friendly visage I hoped to present? When she repeated her questions, was it because my response in French was that bad or that the barrier between us gave her a challenge to understand even the finest French accent?

Today I smiled and exchanged greetings without a plexiglass shield.

What a difference! The plexiglass barriers in the shop have been removed, and the barriers to communication removed along with them. How lovely to be able to see clearly and hear easily!

You may be experiencing similar things in your part of the world as Covid restrictions are being lifted. The question is, what are we going to do with our new freedoms?

I am currently reading The Jesus Creed by Scot McKnight, and I have found it very interesting. At one point, McKnight quotes Palmer Parker saying that “God will not ask us, ‘Were you (like) Mother Teresa or the prophet Daniel or Peter or your father or mother?’ Instead, God will ask us, “Were you the “you” I made you to be?’”

Did God make you to be a teacher or a guidance counselor at an international school? Come join us! Did God make you to be a sewing expert or an organizer? Join or start a White Cross group in your community. Did God bless you financially? Partner with us or with the Cameroon Special Projects. We have nine different projects that are changing lives in different ways. Choose one that connects with the desire God has placed in your heart. Do you love kids? Donate to Restore a Primary School. Have you appreciated the level of cancer care in your area? Donate to assist cancer patients in Cameroon. You can read more about all the Cameroon Special Projects by clicking here.

While many of you are battling cold weather and snow and ice, we are deep into dry season. This is our hottest time of year, and the harmattan dust covers everything! In fact, you could write your name in the dust on our furniture or counters every day despite having wiped them the day before.

Our school soccer field has gone from lush green to brown, and all along our dirt roads the trees and bushes are cloaked in a reddish-orange-brown coating. Like you look forward to spring, we are anticipating the rainy season thundering it’s arrival with downpours and an explosion of green. And best of all, mangoes. So while it’s hot and dusty now, we can see the mangoes are developing in the trees, and we have hope that the rains aren’t too far off.

The Peace and Transformation Team led by Rev. George Minang recently held a conference for pastors and leaders from the area around Ndu and Kumbo. The group gathered at the Ndu Seminary, and those attending are all residents in areas who have been seriously affected by the conflict. We are so thankful God prepared the way so that they were able to travel and meet safely. The 34 participants spent two days learning about loss, grief, mourning, anger and forgiveness, resilience and selfcare, and understanding stress and trauma, and they gained valuable insight and skills to assist the people in their communities.

One pastor said this is his closing remarks, “I have been a pastor of the CBC for 50 years and 10 months now, and this is the most important seminar I have ever attended.” We thank God for the generous donations to the Peace and Transformation Initiative that makes these conferences possible. If you would like to contribute to equip more leaders to support people who have had their lives tragically impacted by the conflict, please make your donation by clicking on this link (nabconference.org/give/special-projects/) and scrolling down.

In April, Maureen is looking forward to attending the CBC Women’s National Conference. This gathering for worship, celebration, and learning is anticipated to bring 2,500 women together.

This month, Craig and Maureen will be assisting with the RFIS Middle School and High School Retreats. This time of fun and refreshment helps all the kids get through the February doldrums and gives everyone a chance to interact in a different setting.

Thank you to all of you for partnering with us in Cameroon. Your prayer and financial support enables us to be a part of many different ministries, projects, and initiatives that are changing lives and spreading the good news.

Craig & Maureen Moody
