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Dear Family and Friends,
Since our visitation to a minority ethnic group in June, our Father touches the hearts of entire congregation to respond the great needs of left-behind children and orphans. We launched a “Left-behind children scholarship program” and the benevolent fund was collected to help those children. We bought some winter coats, socks, shoes, and some other materials for them. Last week of September, we led a team of brothers and sisters to visit the kids in the minority ethnic group area and delivered materials to them. Most of them reside on top of the hills and it usually takes not less than two hours to walk to school. Many families are not able to make ends meet; in particular, they cannot afford their children’s school fees and daily living expenses.
A one-to-one adoption for financial support has been set up between brothers and sisters among congregation and the left-behind kids. Each sponsor provides financial assistance to his/her adopted kid as well as gives caring to them regularly. Even though the sponsors could not directly share the Good News, the kids feel our Father’s love through the unconditional caring from their sponsors.
Praise the Lord! A new course for spiritual growth has started in October. We are thankful that more than 50 brothers and sisters are zealous to study the book of “Experiencing G*d” together this year. Nevertheless, it is a new concept as well as a huge challenge to the people of an atheistic nation for decades. Recognizing and describing their own emotions and feelings, instead of rational and sensible thinking, is not an easy thing for them. In the beginning few sessions, participants hardly understand how to “feel” the Creator, how to listen to the Heavenly Father and how to discern His works in the daily living. We pray for G*d’s power of life transformation for them from religious ideology to faith, from head to heart, from knowledge to life, and from self-centeredness to Chr*st-centeredness.
Couples’ Fellowship organized a family outreach activity on October 29. There were more than 30 participants and half of them are non-believers. Besides praise songs singing, mutual appreciation between spouses, and some outdoor activities, each couple was encouraged to declare a religious marriage covenant to each other. G*d is awesome! All participants were willing to do it. They were thrilled and touched while verbally making covenant with their spouses, since all couples never made any covenant to each other when they got married. Participants requested us to record it at this precious and meaningful moment in their lives. They declared that they would love only their one spouse for their whole life, not getting a divorce, but solving marital disagreements by G*d’s way. Praise the Lord for His wonderful work!
May you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving Season and joyous X’mas!
Your m*ssion*ries,
Nick and Iris
A pr*yer service was organized at the end of September. More than 300 brothers and sisters pr*yed for each other and praised the Lord together. His holy name was exalted and showers of blessings be upon the congregation!
Singspiration night was held wonderfully in mid-October for celebrating the third anniversary of the ch**ch.
The one-year Bi*le reading plan has been carried out since January 2016. We praised the Lord that the congregation has participated well and set a habit to read His Word every day.
37 new converts in the last quarter; 30 people were b*ptized in August.