Voices from the Field Nick & Iris Hung Get to know Nick & Iris Hung

Family Reconciliation

Published on December 09, 2015
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Dear Family and Friends,

NI #1A three-day revival retreat was held in early October. At the midway to retreat site, we visited a ch**ch which was planted by William Cassels (one of the “Cambridge Seven”) over a hundred years ago. We are thankful that the huge ch**ch building is still functioning well despite the serious earthquake that happened seven years ago. We also visited the tombs of Mr. and Mrs. Cassels and many miss*on*ries who sacrificed their lives for this nation throughout the last two centuries. Many brothers and sisters were deeply touched, encouraged and challenged by these humble servants’ amazing works and testimonies. All of us gave thanks to our Almighty G*d for sending them here. We are very thankful that the Lord blessed all participants richly at the retreat.

Beatrice (pseudonym) is about 27 years old. She fell in love with her classmate while studying at university. After graduation, they got married. Meanwhile, Beatrice got a job with high salary but her husband did not. Because of this reason, Beatrice’s mother did not accept him to be her son-in-law. Finally, Beatrice’s husband went to another city and tried to find a better job although Beatrice did not go with him. One day, she visited her husband and found that he lived with another woman already. Beatrice was very sad and requested her husband to leave that woman. However, he refused and beat her badly. Beatrice tried very hard to save her marriage without success and got divorced at the age of 26. Unfortunately, Beatrice’s experience is not uncommon in this country.

Beatrice wept seriously when she shared her personal story with us. She felt very frustrated, filled with heart-brokenness and bitterness. She blamed her mother for forcing her to get divorced and loving money more than anything. Since her mother’s personality is quite controlling and critical, she also got divorced at the age of 26. Beatrice and her mother became believers in March this year. However, her mother’s spiritual growth was quite slow. Our Lord is amazing and full of grace. At the last evening session of revival retreat, her mother wept. She ran towards Beatrice, stood in front of her, and asked for her forgiveness and reconciliation in the public. G*d is awesome. Our Father’s name is exalted.

Last month, we visited and celebrated with more than a thousand brothers and sisters in a ch**ch dedication, which the congregation comes from rural villages. The new ch**ch building was built on a hill where many villagers have been dwelling. Prior to the completion of that building, many brothers and sisters needed to walk 2.5 hours to the closest ch**ch located at another village. May the Lord bless the congregation abundantly!

New building:


May you and your family have a wonderful American Thanksgiving season, and a joyous celebration of the birth of our King of Kings and Lord of Lords next month!

With love and appreciation,

Nick and Iris
