Voices from the Field Nick & Iris Hung Get to know Nick & Iris Hung

New Directions

Published on June 26, 2015
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Dear Family and Friends,

Early March, we had an exploratory trip together with an overseas team to another province. During the trip, we visited some pastors of government-registered chu*ches there. Besides we have learned more about the management of registered chu*ches and their relationship with Religion Council of the country. G*d also opened our eyes and let us see the great needs in the ministries of these registered chu*ches. After returning to our city,nickirispic1 we put what we have seen and experienced from the trip in front of our Lord and pr*yed for His guidance and direction. We started to pay more attention to registered chu*ches in our city and nearby suburbs. In general, their chu*ch buildings are relatively huge, with around 65% of congregation over 55 years old, around 30% between 35 to 55 years old, and 5% kids (aged a few months to 6 years old) whose care are usually taken by grandparents. The youth and young adult age group is so scarce among the congregations. The need to develop ministries targeting this age group of next generation is definitely an immense urgency. Nevertheless, as foreigners, we have first to make connection with the government-registered chu*ches here.

G*d is awesome. The Lord prepares the path and we follow it. The pastor of a nickirispic2registered chu*ch in a suburb invited us to help out its youth ministries. In May, Nick was invited to preach at that chu*ch. At the same time, one of the registered chu*ches in our city invited us to help out at its youth summer camp. The pastor even clearly mentioned to us that the purpose of the camp is for evang*lism. Praise the Lord! We are thrilled and in awe. G*d’s thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are higher than our ways. The Almighty One had known all things that happened here in past months. We can only see a tiny part of picture but our amazing G*d has known the whole picture even though it is still being drawn. We cannot guarantee the success in the development of our work here; however, we are sure, and thankful, that our Heavenly Father is always in control. We just learn to put our trust and do our best in Him. We believe that it is the way we experience Him and know Him more… and the Father will continue to show us step by step.

Summer is imminent. Several summer camps will be held. Please pr*y for the chu*ches, volunteers and helpers, participants and preparation of the camps. May G*d bless believers to grow stronger in Him, draw seekers closer to Himself, and urge them to respond to His great love. Pr*y that we can build mutual trust and good relationship with government-registered chu*ches through partnering in summer camps.

Thank you very much for all your love and support! Your walking with us in the journey means a lot to us.

With love and appreciation,

Nick and Iris
