Voices from the Field Yuri Nakano Get to know Yuri

Fall Ministry Opportunities

Published on November 14, 2018

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Dear Family and Friends,

I am thankful that the Lord of the Harvest is at work in producing fruit for His Kingdom! Hopefully you are seeing much fruit in your context. It has been an eventful and good season here in Japan.

Family Festa: On October 6, Komyo Christian Church held a family outreach event. Around 10,000 fliers were put in mailboxes around the neighborhood advertising this event and other information about the church. Five family units came out and several came from seeing the advertisement. We were happy to see the children enjoying the popcorn, the games, the crafts, and the 2 ventriloquism shows. Since the event, I was able to invite one of the mothers to my place for tea and we had a great conversation. She lives in the same apartment complex and we are looking forward to getting to know each other better. Another mother expressed interest in having her children learn English at the church, so a kids class is starting. Sharing the love of Christ is always about relationships, so this event was a great one for that. Praising God!

Youth Fall Event: On October 8, the youth went to the Rakuyo Baptist Church in Kyoto to hear a great message from Pastor Aoki on Hebrews 12:1-3 about “Finishing the Race of Faith Well.” The youth went to a Peace Museum nearby and were made aware of the

realities of war and conflict in the world. These youth events throughout the year really encourage the youth to keep up their faith and they love fellowshipping with other believers from the sister churches.

Mom and tots event: On October 9, Melissa Ewing spoke to the Mom and tots outreach group about parenting at the Nagoya Inokoshi Church. I came along to do translating and Shan Reed also came along to be a driver and helper too. Melissa did a great job of sharing from her experiences raising 3 sons and sharing wisdom from the Bible. We enjoyed getting to know the young mothers and their children. Many are not believers but feel comfortable coming to the church for playtime with other kids and time to relax and talk and get good advice from other mothers. I was personally encouraged to see this wonderful ministry in one of our JBC churches. After the event ended, we stayed to talk with the women leaders of the church about possibilities for having ladies seminars starting up in the Aichi prefecture area of Japan. They were excited about coming up with possible dates for Shan Reed and I to facilitate a seminar there.

Women Serving Women EWI Course in Chiangmai, Thailand: From October 29-November 9, I have been taking an intensive course on how tobetter train women for ministry in the church. I trust that I will be able to take what I learn and bring it back to the women in the Japanese churches to encourage and help them develop strong ministries.

Thank you for praying with me for all these events and for your partnership. Please pray for the upcoming Christmas season as this season is always a great avenue for outreach.


Yuri Nakano
