Voices from the Field Yuri Nakano Get to know Yuri

Celebrations and Seminars

Published on August 10, 2022

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We all enjoyed a celebration of thanksgiving as Komyo Church hosted a farewell party for Paul and Melissa Ewing (and son Elijah) for their faithful ministry in planting the church and raising it up to where it is today. Shan Reed and the leaders at the church did a great job of organizing the event, which was filled with tributes of song, speeches, a PowerPoint presentation, and gifts. The rented hall was filled with many people who wanted to show their appreciation. The Ewings are now back in the States on home assignment, while Shan Reed and I take on more responsibilities to cover the needs here. We would appreciate your prayers for us as we juggle these additional tasks.

The Ladies Seminar on June 25 in the Aichi region was well attended, and it was a great kick-off for the introduction to a series of seminars we will have on the topic of Developing a Discerning Heart. Shan Reed and I enjoyed facilitating this seminar, which had some good feedback from the participants. We already have a set date for the next one, which will be held at the end of November. We were also glad to have a seminar in the Osaka region on July 26. We were smaller in number, but it made for a more intimate group to introduce Spiritual Disciplines and to actually try some together. We did Lectio Divina and also a “Savor” experience to introduce the concept of slowing down and being more aware of the present moment. The ladies are going to be working on some other disciplines of breath prayer, meditation, and intercessory prayer in the months ahead before the next seminar. I am encouraged by the women’s enthusiasm to learn and to grow together.

My involvement with the Japan Evangelical Association Women’s Committee keeps me busy as they organize many events throughout the year to bring Christian women together across the nation and interdenominationally to learn. Some women I am personally mentoring have gotten much encouragement from these events. Please pray with me that more of them will participate and be spiritually encouraged and challenged by these learning opportunities. As a committee, we are regrouping and trying to improve our effectiveness and communication with one another. Please pray that we would be able to do this with the help of the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

The summer days are hot and humid, and it is always a great idea to take a break. There is a JBC Pastors and Family Retreat August 23–25. It had been put off due to the pandemic last year, and it was decided that it should be fine to gather this year. Japan is experiencing another huge wave of Covid cases again. Pray that all would be kept safe and be able to participate. Pray that the pastors and their families will be able to enjoy rest in the Lord and find encouragement in fellowshipping with others in the same family of churches.

Thankful for your prayers! In Christ,

Yuri Nakano
