Voices from the Field Shan Reed Get to know Shan

Camps and Choirs

Published on December 09, 2015
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Dear Family and Friends,

I am daily encouraged and strengthened by your prayers. Thank you! Here are some ways God has been at work through these prayers.

reedpic3Just after my last newsletter, I participated in two JBC camps, one for young adults and one for junior and senior high youth. The theme for our young adult camp was “The Grace of Salvation: Restored Relationships,” and for youth camp, “Overflowing Love.” The students’ shoes are lined up ready for them to head back into their world of school, friends, family, and club activities overflowing with love!

reedpic4Our second ladies’ seminar in September was also well received and another wonderful day of sharing stories, studying God’s word, and fellowshipping around the tables. It is exciting to see how God is at work developing these women to serve Him where they have been placed!

reedpic5In October, we had our annual concert for Anointed Gospel Choir. The number of participants was down a bit this year, but we still had a fun day singing and fellowshipping together. We even did a little skit for one song about Jesus calling Peter. I got to play the part of Jesus!

As we approach Christmas and a new year, we are looking forward to many events at church, many opportunities to share the good news of Jesus’ birth. We are praying for our church members as they help us plan and lead. Please pray that through it all we will be unified, God’s love will shine and He will be glorified.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers, love, and support. ~Shan
