Voices from the Field Rick & Debbie Bardin Get to know Rick & Debbie

Prayer, Play, Parting, Progress, Production, Patients, and Even Pigs

Published on August 20, 2024

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Can you find all 7 P’s in this letter?

PRAYER for NAB international missionaries during the Triennial, Rick in attendance (Debbie was preparing to speak at the Women’s Luncheon and not able to attend).

Greetings from Mbingo! Can you believe that 2024 is more than half gone? It has been a very busy year for us. One of the most notable things to happen since we last wrote is the Triennial meeting of the NAB. We were privileged to be able to go to St. Paul, Minnesota, to attend the meeting for four days. It was very encouraging to be able to hear about all that God is doing through the NAB and to be able to share some of what He is doing in Mbingo as well. Seeing old and new friends who are serving others in Jesus’ name, all over the world, was a real treat. And while we were on that side of the ocean, we were able to spend a few days with each of our children and their families!

Enjoying PLAY time with our kids and grandkids.

It has been nearly eight years now since the socio-political conflict started in our region of Cameroon. It has had a major impact on our hospital and on daily life for everyone here. Yet, our God has been with us through it all and continues to hold us up. Frequent roadblocks or threats of insecurity on the road have often prevented our patients from having access to the hospital. This greatly affects hospital census and revenue. One thing that hasn’t been severely affected is the cases coming to the pathology lab. We continue to receive specimens from hospitals and clinics near and far, and that workload is quite heavy. Pray for new staff needed as the work increases.

A lot of work going on here in the path lab: Remedy teaching lab students, and a huge pile of slides (500+) awaiting Rick’s arrival after time away – a major PRODUCTION to catch up on.

We are thankful for the PROGRESS and growth in our Christian Internal Medicine Residency Specialization (CIMS) program. With the retirement of our CIMS director, Dr. Julie Stone, our CIMS program is now lead by three of our former CIMS graduates. Our Cameroonian staff has increased as our missionary staff has decreased over the last 15 years. God has blessed this dream and vision of Dr. Dennis Palmer.

CIMS graduates who are now faculty in CIMS.

Current CIMS residents plus faculty.

Send-off for Dr. Julie Stone, our long-time fellow NAB missionary, retired – a sad PARTING.

Brendoline, with family and friends.

One of our recent prayer requests is for a PATIENT, the girl in the green gown, Brendoline (permission was given for this photo). She is a diabetic and recently had a below-the-knee amputation due to a severe foot infection. She also has other health issues, including albinism. Pray for her surgical site to heal well and be able to be fitted for a prosthesis. You, our supporters, are the reason we are able to help her financially with her many bills! Thank you for giving to our support; Brendoline is very grateful to you also!!

With more free time, Debbie has had the chance to be involved in many different kinds of ministry. God is so faithful to provide these opportunities! See the following photos.

Opportunity to speak with parents (top) and their children (bottom) about the importance of knowing Jesus and helping children to know Him, too!

Delivering special bags to the Young Women’s Group at church from a women’s group in the US called Treasured & Protected.

Helping support Victorine in her PIG business.

Our women’s group from church visiting Hew Hope Leprosy Village.

Enjoying the neighborhood kids.

In His Matchless Love,

Rick and Debbie Bardin
