Voices from the Field Brandon & Marci Jones Get to know Brandon & Marci

A Shift of Focus

Published on August 13, 2024

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It all started with a trip to McDonald’s next door. Monica and Brandon walked there on a Sunday evening in early May, and while waiting for their dinner, the skies opened and poured out buckets of rain. They came home completely drenched. That night marked the beginning of four straight days of heavy rain, followed by the worst flooding in our state’s history.

While our family was only inconvenienced through the flooding – dealing with electricity outages and water shortages at home – tens of thousands of our neighbors had to evacuate their homes for days, weeks, or even months. In some neighborhoods, the flood waters peaked at 15 feet and remained at that level for weeks. Our city at one time had over 20,000 people living in temporary shelters, which were often places like gymnasiums and schools. Once the waters receded, so many families returned to ruined houses with nearly all their belongings damaged. Sidewalk upon sidewalk in our city was piled with damaged furniture, broken appliances, and moldy household items.

The focus of our mission shifted during this time. The seminary paused classes for three weeks, and we prayerfully looked for ways to proclaim the good news of God’s kingdom through assisting our network of graduates, current students, and partnering churches. So many area churches became shelters and distributions centers, so we found ways to donate funds to help them provide. Many of these same churches also sent out teams of people to help their neighbors clean their houses. Our mission assisted in procuring power washers, wheelbarrows, and other cleaning items to equip these teams. The last phase of recovery is ongoing, which is helping churches and families restore and renovate their church facilities and houses. Our mission continues helping with funds for repairs, appliances, and other necessary household items.

All of this has been possible through the NAB’s Brazil Flood Crisis Relief Fund, so thanks to all of you who gave to that fund. It is such a joy to tell people that there are individuals all over the world praying for them and wanting to help them because God is with them and loves them. Our family has even had the privilege of assisting one church distribute food, water, blankets, Bibles, and prayers to a neighborhood that was still without power and potable water two months after the flood.

Although our focus as a mission shifted during this time, we resumed seminary classes and finished our fall semester in June. Brandon wrapped up teaching New Testament Theology, and he was encouraged how some students integrated the material into their spiritual lives, devotions, and preaching. We have also grown Kairos Brazil, welcoming two new students to our Master’s Programs. This month the spring semester will begin, and Brandon will teach Systematic Theology 1, which is one of his favorite classes. Marci was able to visit the United States in July. She gave an update about our mission to two partnering churches and attended the NAB Triennial Conference. During her stay, she was also able to visit Daniel in Kansas City. He finished his second year at UMKC, and even got one of his research papers published in the school’s journal. Monica and Olivia finished their school year well, and this month they begin 11th and 9th grades, respectively.

When disaster strikes, it can be hard to focus on good news, but we remain thankful that we can proclaim the good news of God’s kingdom to anyone, anywhere, even where there’s a flood. And we thank you for your ongoing prayers and support as we do so here in southern Brazil.


Brandon & Marci Jones
