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The words of Psalm 27:1 had new and powerful meaning to me when I meditated on this verse during the Still Waters retreat that I attended recently. I reflected on how God revealed His very Presence to me when I first heard the gospel as a child at a Christian camp. After praying to receive Christ in to my life, with my eyes closed and inside the darkness of my sleeping bag over my head, God revealed Himself as LIGHT and I knew that He had heard me and that my prayer was answered! After reflecting on this, I thought, “Indeed! The Lord is my light and salvation!” Throughout the retreat, God reminded me of His Presence throughout my life journey and that in times of darkness or times that I can’t see Him or feel Him, He has always been there watching and guiding me with His lovingkindness. This retreat was at Lake Yamanaka, which is very close to Mount Fuji. The weather was gloomy and rainy for most of the retreat, but the sun finally came out on the very last day. What was hidden in the clouds for days was the majestic mountain! It was always there, but we didn’t see it until the sun came out to dissipate the clouds. It reinforced the analogy that though sometimes God seems distant and unseen, He really has been there all along! It may seem that the closure of the legal entity of the mission here is a move towards darkness, but in fact, God has not changed or moved Himself away at all. He is providing a way for a new vision and a new way. God’s Light and salvation is still very strong and presently active!!

Darkness and no vision

God’s Light and His vision
Many of you have been praying for me to find a good mission organization that I could be in a partnership relationship with through the NAB. Your prayers are being answered, as discussions are moving forward with a well-established organization called TEAM. I am encouraged and very hopeful that this will work out. Since nothing is signed and sealed yet, I still covet your prayers for the NAB International Office and this mission organization in Japan to continue to work out an agreement for my new next. Hopefully by my next prayer letter, I can share more details.
Recently, I have been renewed with a new vision and passion for future ministry here in Japan. God has been speaking to my heart and enlightening me with new hope and ideas. Pray that I would continue to trust and seek Him for His Will to be done and for my hands to be open to see how God will move and direct.
Fellowship with other like-minded Christ followers at the Kansai Christian Women Conference and the Still Waters Retreat was refreshing. I was encouraged by the Light of Christ that shone through the people who came to these retreats.
There are many ministry events happening in the women’s ministry realm in the coming days: ladies’ seminars for the Mie region churches and also the Kyoto area. There is also a Japan-wide women’s retreat for Japanese women leaders. Five of the JBC pastors’ wives are signed up to attend, June 10–12. The theme is “To be still and wait on the Lord.” Please pray that they would come away refreshed to return to their churches with renewed strength and joy in the Lord.
Thank you for your continued support and your prayers for me and for Japan.