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Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ! These days, we are amazed with the passage of time, as things have been busy.
It has been wonderful to be working with the Hungarian Baptist Churches in the past few months. Ian has been very involved in preaching ministries in a variety of communities. Along with that comes the blessing of meeting more of God’s people in this country, hearing their stories, and participating in their hospitality. Karen had the privilege of being asked to speak at a Women’s Bible study in the city of Zalau, and Ian ministered the Word to the HBC pastors at their annual Congress convention.
We have continued to serve with the youth ministries in our village. It has been positive to see the youth becoming more comfortable with our leadership and more open to discussing things of God.
Nathan and Kendra are thriving here in Romania. They have made connections with teens and young adults in the church, as well as good friends in the Bergman children. They also serve in the church through the youth ministry, as well as sharing of their testimonies in churches. Home schooling is going well, but they are for sure looking forward to the school year being done!

Mission team from Central Baptist Church, along with the NAB staff and the family of Camilla, who is currently working at Central. We served in the church service and then enjoyed a lovely Hungarian meal together.
Looking forward, there are many things to come.
- There is a ladies retreat at the other HBC camp in the country of Romania. Karen and a van-load of ladies will attend this weekend event.
- Camp ministry is of course gearing up and all the preparations that come with that. We are anticipating sharing in this ministry this summer and are excited to see what God will do here!
- There is a church partnership team coming in July that Ian will host. They have been developing a mutual relationship with the HBC in Brasov.
- Paul and Tanya will return to the mission field. We look forward to working directly with them here in Romania.
We wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your faithful prayers and support. Our family will be returning to serve in Canada mid-August. We travelled to Canada in April to candidate at a church, and last week Ian accepted a lead pastorate in Lake Park Baptist Church in Saskatchewan. We are excited to serve in this way but also saddened to leave here. We deeply recognize that Romania will always have a place in all of our hearts.

While in Canada in April, we were able to meet up with Paul and Tanya Gericke for a quick breakfast before our flight back to Romania. We are looking forward to serving with them this summer for the camp season!
God bless you all!