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Dear NAB Partners in Ministry in Hungary, Central Europe, and the Balkans,
Even with the COVID pandemic reaching new heights, November, December, and January were extremely fruitful months for Jeannie and me and our Community Health Evangelism (CHE) teams in Central Europe and the Balkans.
If you have not yet read or heard about the awakening taking place in the village of Boldog, Hungary, where Laci and Eszter Daróczi-Csuhai lead our MEK Hungary team, please watch this two-minute video produced by our NAB International Office right now:
Since this video was made in early January, the number of Roma villagers who have made a decision to follow Jesus has reached over twenty. Daily meetings are being held to teach the villagers how to achieve a vision for transformed lives in a transformed community, to share prayer needs, and to pray. Many other encouraging signs are taking place as well. God is answering our prayers to plant His church in Boldog in 2021.

Stefan (right) talks with villagers during a community development project outside Prilep, North Macedonia.
In the same period, our North Macedonia teams, under the leadership of Jimmy Simon Polikarp, have also seen Holy Spirit breakthroughs in the last three months. In spite of COVID, Jimmy’s Galilee Foundation teams were able to hold a one-week CHE training course for those who want to start CHE projects and a one-week advanced CHE training course for his workers who have already started village projects and needed the next stage of training.
We are excited that in five Roma communities our teams have led the villagers in an evangelistic crusade where many professed faith in Christ, have held community CHE vision meetings, and also led the people in selecting their own community leadership committee. The Macedonian CHE teams are now evangelizing and training these committee members in how to bring transformation in Christ to their villages.
November also saw the first CHE beginners training course take place in Kosovo, where pastors and members of two churches in west Kosovo are now joining together to do community outreach and development in a Roma/Gypsy village near them.
Jeannie and I have also been kept busy in this ministry, although we are still at home in Phoenix, Arizona. In November, we co-taught a CHE course on Community Mental Health via Zoom for students at the International School of Theology and Leadership in Albania.
We are also utilizing the time our CHE team members cannot be out in their villages because of the pandemic by organizing advanced training modules for them. In January, our own Randy Schmor taught his NAB Gateway Teams sister-church partnerships to fifteen of our team leaders from Central Europe and the Balkans. If your church leadership have not taken Randy’s seminar, encourage them to do so.
The second will build a community center for Meksiko, September 10–25. This will be a Gateway Teams trip. If you are handy with a hammer and construction tools and would like to know more about this trip, contact Erv VanVeldhuizen (, the team leader.
We are also organizing two short-term work teams to go to North Macedonia in 2021. The first will do a water protection, preservation, and purification project for the poor Roma villages of Meksiko and Three-three on the outskirts of Prilep, May 14–28.
Jeannie and I are scheduled to get our first COVID injections on February 3. This means we can start making realistic plans to return to Europe soon. Please pray that the travel doors will open and we can be back in Hungary by the end of March.
For His Kingdom Come,
Ron & Jeannie Seck
- Pray for more Roma in the village of Boldog to come to Christ during the COVID Relief and Development Project that will run through February. For Feri as he preaches and the MEK Team as they teach.
- Pray for the planting of a thriving church in Boldog in 2021 and those who were previously trained in cult will come to discernment concerning the truth of God’s word.
- Pray for Ron and Jeannie to be able to return to Hungary by the end of March.
- For the twenty-plus Roma who have accepted Christ during the month of January in Boldog.
- For the progress of the Gospel and CHE in North Macedonia, even during the pandemic.
Your troops will be willing on your day of battle. Arrayed in holy splendor, your young men will come to you like dew from the morning’s womb.
PSALM 110:3 (NIV)
Ron and Jeannie Seck
3023 N 17th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015, USA |