Voices from the Field Yuri Nakano Get to know Yuri

Befriending Neighbors

Published on November 30, 2015
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Dear Family and Friends,

nakanopic9I hope that you are enjoying a nice autumn day as you read my update. I love autumn in Japan with the beautiful fall leaves, cooler weather and tasty autumn food. This is a picture of me in my volunteer apron at the local community seniors’ program. I helped serve Japanese tea and talked with the seniors. Japan, according to 2014 statistics, has over 25 percent of its population over 65 years of age and this percentage keeps on rising. The other picture is of the seniors nakanopic10enjoying their tea and snacks. I was praying that somehow I could volunteer in some way and get to know my neighbors better. I praise God for answered prayer. I was able to get to know one of my neighbors better through this. Miyuki lives in the same building as I do and we were able to connect over lunch with her daughter. Our lunch ended up being 4 hours of non-stop talking! Needless to say that we enjoyed each other’s company and we look forward to more get-togethers.

Ladies’ Seminar: Thank you for praying for the Ladies’ Seminar that we held in late September. We had good responses from the ladies who attended and some have started to actually get together with other women to study the Bible together!

Dr. Cam Roxburgh’s visit: In mid-October, Dr. Cam Roxburgh (NAB Vice President of Missional Initiatives) and his wife, Shelley, came to Japan. Dr. Roxburgh presented seminars on the missional church to us missionaries and also to the Japan Baptist pastors. His message was well presented and well received.

EWI training in Chiang Mai: I just came back from a wonderful time of learning and fellowship with other ladies who work as missionaries around the world. I learned more about how God has faithfully shaped me. I also learned to be a better listener. I was truly blessed by the training and feel better equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit to empower others.

Praising God, Yuri
