Voices from the Field Shan Reed Get to know Shan

Summer in Japan

Published on September 16, 2015

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Dear Family and Friends,

“It sure is hot, isn’t it?” “Yes, it is!” This is the typical greeting as I get into the elevator or meet people on the street or at the supermarket these days. We somehow seem surprised every summer when the heat settles in during August. The same thing happens to us as we read God’s Word or hear sermons; we seem surprised by God’s grace and love that He pours out on us daily. Oh, may we never stop being surprised by grace!

Ladies’ Seminar

reed3-1In May, Komyo Christian Church hosted our first ladies’ seminar. Our theme was “Walking Daily with God’s Word.” Thirteen of us gathered to talk about God’s Word and how important it is to study it daily. We had good times of whole group study, discussion around the tables, and personal reflection time. It was a joy to hear the ladies discussing God’s Word around the tables! We are excited about the next seminar in September.

Church Life

We are thankful for the faithful members and regular attendees at Komyo Christian Church. God continues to draw people to Himself and His church. A young lady who just started university has been attending our church recently and wants to become a member! She will be studying in Nova Scotia for the fall semester. Her desire to serve Jesus in any way possible is a beautiful testimony.

reed3-2Teaching English, baking, and Bible classes are some of my main responsibilites at Komyo Christian Church. I am often in awe of how the Holy Spirit guides discussions. I appreciate how God continues to use these classes to show His love to the students, and to me.

Last August I participated in the second Magnolia English Language Tour to Anaheim, CA, reed3-3with Japanese participants. We had a great time learning together. This year the leader, the English teacher, and several of the host families came to Japan to learn more about life and ministry in Japan. We were able to spend a day with them in Osaka, at the end of May, where they interacted with some of our English students and gained insight into church planting. A few of the students are thinking about participating in the study tour next year!

Missionary Summer Conference

Each summer we gather as an NAB mission team in Japan for a time of learning and reed3-4refreshment. This summer we were happy to have Alan and Judy Steier join us in our study time. They shared some insights about counselling with us, and we studied “Jesus Among Other Gods” by Ravi Zacharias together, as well. We met at a lake near Mt. Fuji and had a lovely time of fellowship, study, and refreshment. This was the only group picture I got during our time together! We were riding up a ropeway to a lower mountain where we were supposed to be able to see Mt. Fuji. Unfortunately, she is very shy during the summer!

However, after the conference was over, the Ewing family and I took on the challenge of climbing the mountain, at which time we saw it up close and personal! It took a while, but we made it to the top! I was happy to have made it up for the third time. The Ewings survived their first climb, and Jonah is ready to go again. Anyone want to join him?!


reed3-6Thank you for your prayers for Komyo Christian Church, for each person who God brings to your mind (whether you remember their names or not!), for the NAB Japan team as we work together for the kingdom here in Japan, and for me as I continue to seek God and learn to walk with Him daily. Your prayers sustain and encourage us. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you peace.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Shan in Japan
