
Julie Stone

Internal Medicine in Cameroon NAB Missionary Download Profile

A Conclusion and a Glimpse into the Past

Published on February 10, 2025

It was a special privilege to travel back to Mbingo at the end of last year to participate in the graduation of Internal Medicine and Surgical residents.

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Because Two Former Missionaries Shared . . .

Published on November 15, 2024

Having returned to the US in August, it has been a privilege to once again connect with individual supporters and churches.

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Saying ‘Goodbye’

Published on August 13, 2024

The last two months have been bittersweet – with many goodbyes and words of affection. Having worked in Cameroon for some 32 years, the time for departure seemed appropriate.

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Get to know Julie Stone

Q When did you first know God was calling you to the mission’s field?

While in University, The Lord used the study of physics (especially the mathematical properties of light) to deal with my doubts about the veracity and integrity of His Word.  After finally coming to the realization that belief in His Word as Truth does not require one to relinquish reason, I simply asked The Lord to work out His whole will in my life, whatever that might involve.  When presented with the opportunity to work in Africa, it seemed insignificant compared to the assurance that The Lord Jesus is who He claimed to be.

Q How long have you been serving as a missionary? As a NAB missionary? 

I’ve been working as an NAB missionary for 22 years.

Q How would you describe your first year on the mission field?

It was quite challenging, simply because of the workload.  The severity of illness found in patients presenting for admission was very troubling.  In a western context, many of our patients would be cared for in an ICU setting.  Learning to work within the limited constrains of the African setting was an adjustment.

Q What surprised you the most once you began your work? What did you wish you knew beforehand?

Certain aspects about the culture were surprising.  It would have been helpful to have a better sense beforehand as to how pervasively animistic practices influence African thinking and behavior.

Q What has been the most challenging aspect to your work?

One of the biggest challenges is simply working in a setting where we are constantly running out of essential medications and supplies.  The Africans accept these problems as part of the ebb and flow of life.  Trying to encourage a proactive stance toward maintaining inventory and avoiding “out of stock” crises is an on-going struggle.

Q What changes have you seen in yourself (what ways have you grown) since you have been serving overseas?

I’ve learned to become bolder in speaking with others about The Lord.  It’s interesting that boldness to proclaim the Gospel is a quality for which the disciples prayed in Acts 4:29.

Q What is something that would surprise others about mission work or the people you are called to serve?

It may be surprising to know that there are very few amenities we’re lacking.  Our homes have running water and electricity (most of the time).  Availability of internet service, which was very sparse years ago, has also begun to improve.  And, of course, we also have cell phones.

Q What are some of the factors that lead you to become an overseas missionary through the NAB?

Because of my military training and postings overseas, I was not affiliated with a particular church or denomination.  When my brother-in-law, an NAB pastor, learned of my interest in medical missions, he suggested that I contact the NAB.  So, I sometimes say that my entree into the NAB came about through marriage… that of my sister.

Q How can people pray for you?

One of my greatest desires is to be a good steward of the opportunities The Lord provides to testify of Him.

Country Facts

Cameroon The NAB has been working in the country of Cameroon since the 1930s. We helped birth the Cameroon Baptist Convention that now has over 1,000 churches, two seminaries, 68 primary schools, and six hospitals, along with 52 health centers. The primary focus of our work with the CBC is in advanced medical training, theological education, and missionary children education. Read More Facts View All Countries
Key Ministries
  • Hospital Development
  • Theological Education
  • Missionary Children Education