Voices from the Field


The Broken Made Whole

by: Raffaele and Sylvia Gaudio

Have you ever noticed that when you don’t work the ground it begins to grow weeds? Very rarely has a volunteer vegetable or fruit grown up without some form of cultivation. But weeds, well they are very willing to grow where no one is working.

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A Letter to Prayer Supporters

by: Gary Clatterbuck

I am Gary Clatterbuck, the coordinator of the Russia–Ukraine Ministry. I noticed that you had visited the booth, and I wanted to update you about this exciting teaching ministry that helps prepare new Christian leaders for churches and missions in a very changing part of the world.


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Hot Summer Events!

by: Yuri Nakano

After spending two summers in Canada, the heat and humidity of Japanese summer hit me like a brick! My body has since adjusted, thankfully! This summer has heated up, not only with the temperatures but also with many events going on. The Tokyo Olympics started with much uncertainty and with many of the citizens of Japan expecting it to be cancelled due to the high COVID-19 cases. Despite the declaration of the state of emergency and…

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by: Paul and Melissa Ewing

If you keep up with our smaller email communications, you know that Elijah and I have been in the States since May and Paul arrived in July. I continued to work remotely from the States, and Paul and I were glad to be able to join the Triennial from the Eastern Time Zone versus Japan. J As we finished working remotely, we now are using vacation time to rest and continue our visit with family.

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Times of Celebration in Mbingo!

by: Rick & Debbie Bardin

We are greatly pleased to report that the group of doctors Rick worked with before coming to Mbingo, Southwestern Medical Clinic in Michigan, has a foundation (Southwestern Medical Clinic Foundation) that has c…

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First, Jerusalem . . .

by: Claire Marker

Jesus’s words to His disciples in Acts 1:8 remind us that we should first be witnesses in our home turf (to the disciples, it was in Jerusalem) and then to neighboring areas (“Judea and Samaria”) and then “to the ends of the earth.” Over the last twenty years, BCCL has equipped almost a thousand church leaders to reach their “Jerusalem” or home turf; and now, reaching “Judea and Samaria and the ends of the earth” is unfolding right before our very eyes!

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A Send Forth Celebration

by: Elsie Lewandowski

It’s hard to believe my twenty-six years in Cameroon have come to an end. This past year has been particularly challenging with the COVID restrictions, robberies at the school, and numerous schedule and staff changes. I thank God for making His powerful presence known in many ways.

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The Fruits of Labour

by: Jeff & Sonya Kilmartin

Greetings in the strong name of Jesus Christ from Banyo, Cameroon. We are in the midst of rainy season here; it rained all last night and is overcast today. This is the season when the farmers are quite busy; next month, when they begin to harvest in earnest, they will be even busier.

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Between Two Worlds

by: Brandon & Marci Jones

Airplanes are a modern marvel. Besides being able to soar in the air as hunks of metal, our family can board one and flip our worlds in mere hours. We take off as foreigners and land as citizens. We wake up in the southern hemisphere and go to bed in the northern hemisphere. We begin the day in the chill of winter and end it with the humid warmth of a summer’s sunset.

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Created for Good Works

by: Calvin & Susanne Hohn

As the conflict in the anglophone regions of Cameroon continues into its fourth year, the emotional toll on people is becoming more evident. There is need for more well-trained counselors and social workers. Thankfully, the Cameroon Baptist Convention is helping to meet this need.

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