Search Results for: bud

43 results found.

Spotlight Japan — Post | Uncategorized

Japan: the land of the rising sun. A country filled with history and tradition, it is one of the world economic powers and is known for cutting edge technology.

ROMANIA in the Spotlight — Post | Uncategorized

To those of us involved in Gateway Teams, the country of Romania represents what became an opportunity for this ministry to significantly extend its reach in addition to the North American Baptist’s (NAB) established mission fields. Gateway was invited to serve in Romania, and a number of other nations since, by NAB churches in Alberta who had established some relationships there.

New Opportunities — Post | Uncategorized

It has been a month since we left Cameroon.  These past weeks we have been caught up in a whirlwind of packing, unpacking, organizing, visiting family, visiting friends and starting back at our jobs here in Calgary.