Voices from the Field


Beginning Work with LAP

by: Craig & Maureen Moody
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Continued Tensions in Cameroon

by: Craig & Maureen Moody
Unfortunately, the situation in the country continues unchanged except for the restoration of the Continue Reading

Good News Amidst Troubling Times

by: Craig & Maureen Moody
This victory comes at a time when the NW and SW regions of Cameroon Continue Reading

The Sand Bays of Life

by: Craig & Maureen Moody
After several vehicles careened around the curve and crashed into the compound wall this Continue Reading

Transitioning to Life in Bamenda

by: Craig & Maureen Moody
Apparently we got used to the heat of Yaounde. While it is only about Continue Reading

Hostel Happenings

by: Craig & Maureen Moody
At the hostel we have a number of traditions. Continue Reading

Climbing Through the Dust

by: Craig & Maureen Moody
“That ridge, that’s the summit.” A few minutes later, “No, that ridge, that’s the Continue Reading

School in Cameroon

by: Craig & Maureen Moody
Things overheard in the hostel: Girl: (calmly) Is that a snake? Maureen: No, it’s Continue Reading

Settling Back In

by: Craig & Maureen Moody
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New Opportunities

by: Craig & Maureen Moody
Dear Family and Friends, It has been a month since we left Cameroon.  These Continue Reading