Voices from the Field Yuri Nakano Get to know Yuri

Updates from Japan

Published on August 20, 2015
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Dear family and friends,

The cicadas are singing loudly in the trees behind my new apartment…which is one of the many signs that summer is here! Of course, heat is one of the sure signs too!

Here is a picture of the Live Gospel Café we had at Komyo church on June 20th. I am still a part of the Sonshine Gospel choir at the church even though I am no longer officially “staff” at Komyo church.  I was able to sing despite the cold that I had. For those who prayed for me, thank you! A young lady came to the Komyo church after seeing the flyer in her mailbox and she has come regularly to church worship services ever since. Praise the Lord!

Kongo Bible Church

I attend the Kongo Bible Church in Osaka Sayama City every week except for the 3rd Sunday of the month, when I go to Nara Prefecture. I nakanopic5preach at Kongo once a month and have been focusing on the theme of victory in the spiritual battle and putting on the armor of God. It is a blessing and privilege to be able to encourage and support the 5 active members of the church. There are obvious challenges with so few people in the church, but please pray with me that they would faithfully reach out to their families and community with the gospel. A praise item is that they started up a TALK CAFÉ mid-week to attract anyone to just come in and chat. It is a small step, but a great idea that came from one of the members. A sign was put out in front of the church to welcome anyone to come in for a cup of coffee or tea and chat. We didn’t expect anyone to show up the very first day, but we just started praying. As soon as we finished praying that someone would come, a man entered the door! He was a lonely man in his sixties that wanted someone to listen to him. We were encouraged by this answer to prayer. Please pray that he will come back and that many others would be led to come as well. The community around the church has many senior citizens and many seniors are lonely and in need of interaction with other people. Pray that Kongo Bible church would be a shining light to its community.

Community Outreach:

nakanopic6When I moved in June, I prayed that I would be able to get more involved in my community and have more interaction with my neighbors. Praise the Lord that He directed me to the community center nakanopic7and that I could volunteer there. I saw an advertisement requesting help with taking care of flowers and this led to helping out with many different activities in the center like the seniors events. I have met some people there who live in the same apartment building ! Pray that I would be a nakanopic8good witness and that I would be able to develop good relationships to share the love of Christ. As per request, below are pictures of what my apartment looks like and a picture of the Japanese style guest room. If you ever come to visit, this would be where you would sleep! The other picture is the sign on the community center listing the various activities they hold there.

This year our Japan Missionary Fellowship Summer Conference will be held at Kawaguchiko near Mount Fuji. Alan and Judy Steier from Barnabus International will join us and make sure we are getting some missionary care. We will spend some time studying and also enjoy fellowship together. By the time you receive this letter the conference will already be over (July 28-31st) . I trust that we will have a good time of spiritual refreshment together.

Thank you for lifting me up in prayer and encouraging me with your support.  Blessings as we continue to partner together in Japan!

Yuri Nakano
