Voices from the Field Walter & Florence Grob Get to know Walter & Florence

Looking Ahead

Published on May 13, 2024

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Looking ahead – like I once did on this foot bridge in the Korup National Park near Mundemba, South West Region, Cameroon.

In late February, Florence made a trip back to Cameroon for about a month to attend to her dental practice and a choir ministry. While the dental work went well, the choir ministry did not move ahead as hoped for. She will try again when she next returns to Cameroon.

The season of visiting and reporting to sending churches and individuals is drawing to a close. It has been a privilege to personally thank the congregations for their partnership in the ministry in Cameroon. Indeed, we have been well cared for and blessed by the body of Christ.

God-willing, Florence will return to Cameroon by mid-June. I, Walter, plan to stay back for the North American Baptist Conference Triennial in St. Paul, Minnesota, July 11–14. The theme is “Becoming a People of Peace.” Oh, how we need God’s people of peace in these days. Pray for God’s leading and strengthening of His Church.

After the Triennial come together, it is time to return to Cameroon. The plan is take on a new part-time role as the Cameroon Baptist Convention’s director of Cooperating Missions, serving as liaison between the Convention and the different mission organizations that work with them, including the North American Baptists, World Team, and SIM. The remainder of my work week will be to work once again with the Cameroon Baptist Convention’s Finance and Development Department, doing the missionary accounting and helping in the training of finance staff.

So that is what we are looking ahead to. Mindful of Proverbs 16:9, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps,” may you and I move ahead with God’s guidance in our plans.


Walter & Florence Grob
