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Walter giving a mission report.
When Barnabas and Paul returned from their missionary journey (Acts 13–14) to their sending church in Antioch, they reported on how their sharing of the Good News went. This reporting is useful for assessing, encouraging, guiding prayer, and pondering future ministry.
Currently on home assignment, my main role is to report to senders. I hope to effectively communicate that God is presently working in the church in Cameroon, even as the country endures socio-political crisis/civil war. I also hope to encourage others to consider full-time cross-cultural ministry. The missionary numbers in Cameroon are reducing, not only because of the civil war but because of the aging of the missionaries and retirement. There are still least-reached people groups out there and support ministry vacancies. New missionaries are needed.
Florence had stayed back in Cameroon to attend to her dental practice and was hoping to put on some choir concerts with Immanuel choir of Nkwen Baptist Church, Bamenda, to raise funds for the church pastors’ housing project. Due to two weeks of general strikes in September and further unrest, the concerts could not be held. She joined me in Canada on October 18 and is helping me report to senders.

Hoping to encourage new missionaries – Carol Potratz, Sonya Kilmartin, Walter & Florence Grob, and Elsie Lewandowski.
We are thankful for senders – sending churches and individuals. They are and have been a key to ministering cross-culturally in Cameroon. This home assignment period, we are appreciative of opportunities to meet and share with some of our senders, caring people in the body of Christ. It is a partnership with potential for eternal benefits. Thank you.