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NAB Cameroon Missionary Retreat 2023 – we were small, but we enjoyed ourselves. 😊

A little chaos and fun during RFIS’s annual “Kick Off Day” celebration.
Despite a challenging beginning (which included finding out the week before classes started that we were going to be two teachers shorter than what we had been led to believe – one of which arrived successfully a few weeks later and the other who we are still hoping to see at some point in the near future), we have successfully completed our first quarter and are quickly making our way into the second. As always, God has been faithful. His provision may not always be what we expect or ask for, but He DOES provide. Please continue to pray for future staffing for RFIS.
This school year, I am supposedly splitting my time between teaching and administrative responsibilities (as the school’s Director of Academics). Unfortunately, both sides of those responsibilities have grown well beyond original intentions, so it has not been easy. I am much more easily overwhelmed than I used to be, and it has definitely been that. It is a blessing that both of the courses I am teaching are ones I love, and with great groups of kids. Likewise, serving as a 12th grade class advisor could add another burden, but instead time with these kids has been an absolute blessing. I am so thankful to be able to stay with this group of kids for a second year, and it has been so exciting to watch this group of seniors recognize the influence they have on our school community and to see them growing into some great leaders! Please pray for our students, that they will continue to grow IN CHRIST as they prepare for the next stage of their lives. Like 12th graders around the world, there are many plans and decisions to be made in the coming months while still balancing the academic challenges of their coursework, the demands of extracurricular activities, and the social and emotional reality of closure for not only their secondary education but also, in most cases, their time in Cameroon.
As I write this, I am still recovering from Covid, which I am thankful seems to have been a mild case. Exhausting? Yes! But everyone has been helpful in covering my classes and keeping an eye on me.
In the coming months, please pray for energy and focus and productivity with schoolwork, especially the mounds of curriculum work that need to be done this year as we plan the appropriate way forward after having dropped our British external examinations. But even more than that, please pray for me to find a spiritually and emotionally healthy way to balance the challenges of life and responsibilities here. Pray that God will lead me to be able to truly delight in Him and rest in His purpose and calling.

How many hot dogs can we roast at a time? Some quality family time over the summer.

A little quality friend time and outdoors time over the summer.
Thank you for being a part of what I do here and for your faithful support and encouragement! It means more than you can possibly imagine. 😊