Voices from the Field Maureen Moody Get to know Maureen

White Cross, Crisis Relief, and the Ordinary

Published on November 14, 2022

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Bonjour from Yaoundé! We promised a report from Maureen’s visit to Mutengene. This is the hub of all the sourcing for CBC Health Services and the location for the receiving and distributing of all the White Cross cargo. The team there says a big thank you to all of you who support Cameroon through your generous contributions. It was a super visit to renew acquaintances and establish relationships with the many people who assist in the White Cross work. We discussed the current needs and finalized the changes to the layettes for moms who deliver at CBC hospitals and health centres. We will continue with a baby blanket and diaper but will no longer provide baby jackets. These will be replaced with footed sleepers, which the new moms love. All baby jackets that have been completed will still be sent to Cameroon, and the supply of jackets will be used up, but we ask that no more baby jackets are made. The jackets have been a part of White Cross layettes for decades, but as times and needs change, the baby sleepers are now our way to show love to these new moms.

The Cameroon Crisis Relief Fund has been changing lives. Through your generous support, many individuals who have been driven from their homes by the conflict in the NW and SW regions of Cameroon have been given a source of hope. This fund has assisted people who were innocent bystanders injured in the conflict to obtain medical care and pay for their medical bills. Some individuals have been given assistance to start businesses in their new locations. The conflict forced people to flee their homes, lose their livelihoods, and see and experience terrible acts of violence. Hundreds have been given assistance through trauma-healing workshops. Pastors and leaders have attended conferences on peace and transformation so they can better assist people in the community deal with the trauma and losses they have experienced. Your continued support of the Cameroon Peace and Transformation Initiative and the Cameroon Crisis Relief Fund will allow us to help more people and share the hope and strength that is found in Jesus.

If you would like to make a donation to the relief fund, click here – Cameroon Crisis Relief Fund – or for donations to the Cameroon Peace and Transformation Initiative, click on this link and then scroll down to Cameroon – Miscellaneous.

Some of the small group members

And then there are the ordinary (yawn) day-to-day activities of our lives. Craig spends his days at RFIS as director of Admin and Finance dealing with budgets, month-end reports, journal entries, reimbursements, tracking down solutions to problems, and other administrative tasks. Maureen divvies up her days between field director and school nurse activities. A lot of her time is spent on White Cross, as she is the liaison between White Cross North America and Cameroon. Maureen also leads a small group of Grade 9 girls at RFIS. They meet after school once a week. It is so much fun to get to know these awesome girls and study the Bible together.

Chocolate bars, termite mounds, furniture shopping, and shoe shopping

But then some of our other ordinary activities are not quite so ordinary here – see the photos!

Furniture shopping and shoe shopping look a bit different here. A chocolate bar snack is not quite a Kit Kat, and I’ll bet when most of you go out for your morning walk or run you don’t see termite mounds!

Thank you so much for partnering with us here in Cameroon. Your prayers and financial gifts are needed and appreciated. We are blessed to serve here in these support roles that assist outreach, education, and medical work in Cameroon.

Grace and Peace,

Craig & Maureen Moody
