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Ribbon cutting of new classroom. (Egon Berg, seminary president, Pastor Reinaldo, Brandon Jones, and Lyndell Campbell.)
On July 21, 2019, the Rio Grande do Sul Baptist Theological Seminary celebrated its 40th anniversary. Since the very beginning in 1979, NAB has had missionaries serving at this Seminary as professors. A special commemoration was held to celebrate this date where the very first director of the Seminary, Pastor Niander Winter, shared a little known fact to many. The origins of our current Seminary was a pastoral training institute founded by Karl Roth, former missionary from the German Baptists (a.k.a. NAB), from 1905 to 1907.
Because of this long history together, the Brazil Mission Field commemorated this anniversary by gifting the Seminary with a newly renovated classroom to meet the growing needs for in-class and online training!
In July our church hosted a missions team from Texas who gave free eye exams and glasses where needed to 108 people in our community. While people were waiting to have their eyes tested they participated in a survey with members from our church to learn a little about them: do they have a home church, would they be interested in learning more about the Bible, do they have any needs our church could practically help them with, etc. A couple of dozen people expressed interest in studying the Bible in their homes. Also, a number of the children who came also participated in our children’s club the following Saturday. Most of these people come from a poor community close to our church where we are praying to start a small group and eventually plant a church. We praise the Lord for this team who also spent a week at Chain of Love testing the eyes of all the house parents and children while they were here.
God has blessed me with the opportunity to start my doctorate degree! I was accepted into the online PhD (Intercultural Studies) program at Columbia International University. It is a 5-year program that I can complete through part-time studies in Brazil. My first class starts August 26th! I am also blessed to know my advisor personally. Over a decade ago he taught two classes at our Seminary here in southern Brazil and I was his interpreter.
Lyndell Campbell-Réquia