Voices from the Field

News from Chain of Love Homes

Published on July 12, 2019

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Dear COL Friends,

It’s with joy and trust that we are sending out our second newsletter of the year. We would like to share with you some of our challenges and blessings. We are thankful for you being part of this ministry; after all, we believe the Lord has been using you as tools to bless this ministry and to change the lives of our children and teenagers.

We received feedback from several parts of North America letting us know that some e- mails containing newsletters, updates on sponsored children, and other attachments were not received, even though we sent them. If last year or this year you didn’t receive some of the quarterly newsletters or the two yearly updates, please let us know (this year we have sent just one update so far). Our email is chainoflovehomes@gmail.com. We will try to identify what is going on. We know that in some cases e-mails have gone to the spam box, but we have reports from some sponsors that they simply didn’t get some of the e-mails we sent.

We are finishing the accessibility renovations in House 3. That was possible thanks to brothers and sisters in North America who were sensitive to our need to have a house adapted for people who have mobility disabilities, especially wheelchair users. Doorways have been widened, ramps have been built, bathrooms have been increased and adjusted, and light switches and electrical outlets have been moved to lower positions. House 3 is almost ready to take in children, teenagers, houseparents, and visitors who have mobility disa- bilities. Our next step, which has already been initiated, is the renovation of the technical center to meet the new regulations of the municipal legislation regarding fire safety. This will also be possible solely because of the help that was sent by broth- ers and sisters in North America. To all those who contribut- ed, either financially or by prayers, thank you very much.

Karl and Vanderlene have been doing excellent work at COL. At the beginning of this year, they bought
Bibles for some children and teenagers who didn’t have any. Vanderlene created a group for the girls called King’s Messengers. This group has the main purpose of studying the Bible and increasing fellow- ship among the girls. Besides this, Karl and Vander- lene also give English lessons to some of our chil- dren. This will especially make easier the children’s
interactions with the teams from North America who come visit with us.

In April we had the privilege of welcom- ing Pastor Dan Schroth, from McKernan Baptist Church, in Edmonton, Canada, and his family. McKernan Baptist Church has been a faithful partner of this minis- try and the visit of the Schroth family helped us strengthen this partnership even more. Besides helping paint one of
the houses and giving Bible studies to the houseparents, the
Schroth family also had the chance to interact with the COL chil- dren and teenagers. We look forward to welcoming them again in Brazil.

In June, we had the pleasure of a pleasant visit with mem- bers of Creekside Christian Church, from Elk Grove, Califor- nia. Some of them had already been here previously and then came back to COL! This means that we left marks in their hearts and they left marks in our hearts. May they come back here many other times! Our doors, arms, and hearts are always open!.

As of June 17, no tourist visas are required for American and Canadian citizens who wish to come to Brazil and spend up to 90 days here. If this was a hindrance for you to come in the past, please reconsider. We would love to have your presence with us to carry out projects in several areas or even to get to know Chain of Love more deeply. If your church, group of friends, or family would like to visit with us, please contact us at
robbynhanstad@gmail.com (in the US) or chainoflove.canada@gmail.com (in Canada) for more information. Couples or individuals are also welcome.

Just like last year, we would like to share with you our need to purchase school uni- forms. Most of our children and teenagers still have the uniforms bought last year, but many of them have grown and others have come to COL. We have passed on some of the uniforms so the smaller kids could wear them. Some schools have made the use of uniforms mandatory. We currently need uniforms for about 50 children (new ones come every week). They cost about US$42.33 or CND $56.67 each. We would like to humbly ask you to contribute to this project. Donations must be sent through NAB and specified. If you are a sponsor and would like to send money for the uniform of your child, please contact us first. Maybe your child won’t have to buy a new uniform.
Our sports project continues at full steam! Besides the indoor soccer games for boys and girls held on Fridays, we have the jujutsu evangelistic ministry, under the responsi- bility of houseparents André and Catia from House 2. The project is open for teenagers
chainoflovehomes@gmail.com www.larcolmeia.com.br

from other houses as well. Some of the teenagers have been invited to participate in local competitions, but we don’t have enough funds. The registration fee for each tournament is about US$13 or CND$17.30, but tournaments are not monthly. Those who wish to contribute to this project can contact us or send monies directly to NAB (the purpose of the donation should be specified).

Antonio (a 13-year-old who has been with us for five years) could not participate in a national tournament because the au- thorization from the court was not issued in time. However, he is registered in a South American tournament to be held in Rio de Janeiro this July. We thank all those who made this dream come true. We expect to publish good news about him in our next newsletter.

A higher number of children demands a bigger staff. Two more people joined the COL technical staff: social worker Carmen and psychologist Alexandre. Carmen is replacing
Patricia who has been transferred to the office in Novo Ham- burgo (in charge of the off-campus homes). As for Alexan- dre, he came to fill an important gap: we were in need of someone to work with the boys of Chain of Love. We wel- come both professionals!

Off-campus home 2 welcomes a new couple of houseparents: Fer- nando and Gabriela came to replace Jair and Verenice, who left Chain of Love. To Fernando and Gabriela, a warm welcome and best wishes for a good work. To Jair and Verenice, our deep thanks and our prayers that God will bless them on their new journey.

We would like to share some prayer requests with you (if you have any prayer requests and would like us to pray for you, it will be our pleasure to be your intercessors. Our email is chainoflovehomes@gmail.com).
– conversion of more and more children and teenagers
– wisdom for the directors, chaplain, technical staff, houseparents, and other personnel
– God’s protection over our children, teenagers, and families of those involved in this ministry
– God’s protection over the supporters and intercessors of this ministry
– more sponsors, supporters, and partners from the US and Canada in this ministry

May the Lord bless all of you! Telmo Camargo

chainoflovehomes@gmail.com www.larcolmeia.com.br
