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Sights and sounds of spring have arrived in Romania – fruit trees in bloom, grass turning green, birds chirping, gardens and fields planted.
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).
We have had a busy season of activity here at Camp Falcon Rock since March 9, when a crew of 19 arrived from Central Baptist in Edmonton. This team endured the cold, wind, rain, and snow, but so much was accomplished. They painted stain on the cabins and also more on soffits for the next project. They worked on the water/sewer project, dry walled ceilings in the cabins, started the tiling in the cabin bathrooms. We are so grateful to Central for sharing their skills with Camp Falcon Rock.
We had a few days to get prepared for our next team of 22 from Central Alberta to arrive. This team consisted of some people returning to serve and also some new ones. Again we are so thankful for each one of them. This team got to enjoy nice spring weather with mostly sunny days. This team continued on tiling in the cabin bathrooms, poured cement on cabin floors, did some interior painting, did more work with the water/sewer, stained soffits, laid more patio blocks, and did a ton of work on the spring. Because of their labour, we now have clean spring water flowing from 3 dams! They also helped continue work on the water reservoir to get a roof on it and to get the water pumped into the tank. On top of all of that, they planted 1500 acacia trees (which will be used for firewood in a few years). In addition to the construction work
, some of the team helped with Tanya’s English class in Szentkirály and with the youth event we held at Camp Falcon Rock on one of the Saturday nights. We were encouraged to see 40 youth from nearby villages attend and to watch them as they enjoyed worship, testimonies from this team, and a message from Paul and Tanya. The evening ended with snacks and yummy desserts, which were prepared by the Canadian ladies. It was great to reconnect with some old friends and a joy to make new ones. Again we are so thankful for this team.
We are always amazed at all the work that gets done while these teams are here to serve, not only are we constructing buildings but God is building relationships into these people’s lives as we heard many testimonies from the team members. Thankful for each one of them as we build His Kingdom.
We have been settling into life at Camp Falcon Rock; when people ask how we like living at Camp Falcon Rock, our comment is always that it is so peaceful. We look forward to the day when many people can come here to experience this peaceful place, take in the view and feel the presence of God.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).
We travel back into the village of Szentkirály every Sunday to attend church services; we love how this church has made us feel so welcomed and part of their family.
Last week, the camp held English classes and 11 students attended including 5 from the seminary. This is a great way to reach out to the community as well as to help equip the future pastors here with practical language skills for their studies and to build relationships with mission teams. We enjoyed seeing the improvement in these students over the 5 days that they were here.
Work continues on the cabins – one cabin is now complete on the outside with the stucco finished and painted; they are working on the tiling & plumbing; interior and exterior doors are hung. Amazingly, and due to the hard work of the camp crew and the two mission teams, we were able to use one side of the cabin for the English camp last week! It was so great seeing this building full of people!
Vern has relocated many spruce trees from the piece of land that the main lodge will be built on, and we now have a row in front of the farmhouse.
We are so thankful for each one of you that supports and prays for us! Please pray for:
- The future teams as we look at the long term picture of Camp Falcon Rock
- The permits and planning of the Main Lodge
- The CFR team as we plan for the summer programs
- Our families in Canada
- Our continued support
Again, we could not be here without you folks supporting us – for that we are thankful.
Blessings to all!
Till next time 🙂 The Wagners