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Thanks to all of you for your prayers during the truckers’ strike here in Brazil. After a lot of negotiating it ended peacefully, praise the Lord! However, during the strike, Paulo had a moment of creative thinking when he thought if we were desperate he could always add some alcohol to our tank since our car is a flex car!
We had a great finish to our 1st semestre of the year at the Seminary with Dr. Stefano Piva, pastor at Bethany Baptist Church as our visiting professor for the class on sermon preparation. The students asked if he would consider preaching to them so they could see all the content he taught being practiced. While he preached, he walked them through his entire process, which was extremely helpful for them as they prepare to preach this next semestre.
We thoroughly enjoyed our time at Triennial in Edmonton and were excited to see a number of you in person! Meeting with the other missionaries before Triennial and then hearing the speakers and worshiping together was such a treat for us. Two other special moments were seeing Dick and Beth Rabenhorst and Keith and Lilyanne Bienert, former missionaries to Brazil and Paulo’s professors in Seminary. And being part of the commissioning of our newly appointed missionaries to Brazil, Brandon and Marci Jones!
Also, Brandon and I led one of the breakout sessions about the work going on in Brazil and the needs and challenges. The Joneses are getting close to their support raising goal and we are praying they will be able to join us in the fall. As Paulo and I head back to Brazil, I will be working on getting their apartment ready to go as well as any documents they will need from Brazil for their missionary visas.