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Dear all family and friends from around the world,
We are so happy for the coming of May and the green mountains and hills that surround us. We had an extra-long dry season this year. The banana trees that always survive the dry season were falling down. For those of you who have been to the back waterfall which never lacks for water – even it dried up this dry season!! We also had the fun of having low water pressure or being completely out of water many days in February and March. So, we kept buckets of water on hand to boil for drinking, for dishes, toilet flushing and had to take bucket baths a few times. Let us never take indoor plumbing for granted .
Easter was extra special this year because we got to spend it with friends who had come out from the US to help here at Mbingo Baptist Hospital. Dr. Dick and Marian Douce came for a couple of weeks. We knew them from our connection with Southwestern Medical Clinic in Michigan. We trekked up the mountain together about 4:30 am and celebrated the Resurrection Day together (see pictures). Also, Dennis Little, a pathology assistant, came back. He has been here several times before. He is a great help to Rick.

Marian & Dick Douce, Rick & Debbie, and Dennis Little on Mbingo hill after the Easter sunrise service.
Deb continues to find great joy in sharing about the love of Jesus with her patients. What a privilege it is to be able to share scripture, testimonies and prayer with them. The picture to the right is with one of the patients who had just received a Bible as I registered her into our program. In the background, you may see the TV we have in the waiting room that still plays many Christian videos daily to help encourage our patients and anyone passing by.
We have some very special news to share about our daughter, Jeanna. She is pregnant with a baby girl! She is due in September so we will be altering our furlough plans to take it this year from September to December. Through the help of our wonderful friend, Tom Crow, and the generosity of First Baptist Church in Nashville, housing has been made available to us during those months. Now we just need pathologists to come to Mbingo and cover for Rick during those months. Someone has already signed up to cover September!
In His Matchless Love,
Rick and Debbie