Voices from the Field Walter & Florence Grob Get to know Walter & Florence

Thanks from Cameroon

Published on September 02, 2015
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“I felt the rain down in Africa…” song by Toto

Dear Family and Friends,

The rainy season has come and with it relief from the water crisis in Bamenda. We are thankful. There are many other reasons to be thankful.

  • In late April, Florence and about 3,000 other women of the Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC) fellowshipped together in Buea. Since we are surrounded by such a great crowd of witnesses…
  • During the annual board of governors meetings in April and May, Walter helped evaluate the ministry of a number of Baptist secondary schools and the two seminaries. Despite financial difficulties, etc. God will meet all needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
  • Much was deliberated on in the June CBC board meetings, that Walter took part in, regarding Health Services, Education, Evangelism & Missions, Finance & Development, and General Council. Man plans, but God determines his steps.
  • Nkwen Baptist Church had 30 baptisms on a July Sunday, including the daughter of one of Florence’s good friends. Our Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost.
  • For Walter it has been a privilege and wonderful learning opportunity to teach adult Sunday school at Nkwen Baptist Church. In the last few months, the lessons have been reflecting on the issue of justice, within the body of believers as communicated by the prophets, Amos and Micah. The challenge is there to be just and fair in the home, the work place, and the church, as an appreciation for God’s justice and mercy for us.
  • Also in July, Walter convened a 4 day CBC financial regulations seminar with 69 participants. His department is also currently being audited by external auditors. Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.

The Lord has given us much to be a part of in His Kingdom work here in Cameroon. He has used sending churches and individuals to allow us this privilege. Thank you for your support and persistence in serving Him.

In Christ

Walter & Florence

Walter & Florence Grob
